
How Wantedly is Approaching a new Style of Work

Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

This Story is based on an article originally written in Japanese by Satsuki Soejima from Wantedly's Customer Relations team. See her post here:

ウォンテッドリーの働き方の「今」をご紹介します。 | Wantedly, Inc.
こんにちは!ビジネスチームでカスタマーリレーションを担当している副島です。 2020年も残すところあと1ヶ月となりました。「働き方」においても色々な変化があった1年だったと思いますが、皆さんは今どのように働いてますか? ウォンテッドリーでは、様々は変化を経て新しいチャレンジに真正面から向き合えるよう、 積極的に新しいメンバーを募集 ...

An entire year has come and gone and somehow, there's only one month left of 2020. This was a year full of unprecedented changes in Japan's workforce, and caused a huge shift in how we approach "working".

At Wantedly, we faced these changes and the challenges they presented head on. We are still actively recruiting for new members to join our team and we wanted to answer some of the questions most often asked by candidates. So today, I'll outline how Wantedly is undertaking a new style of work(as of November 24th, 2020).

Wantedly's Company Structure

If we aim to break down our overall company structure, it can be divided into the following four overall teams. Our larger departments are called tribes, while smaller teams within the tribes are known as squads.

Business Tribe
Corporate Tribe
Development Tribe
Design & Editing Tribe

Our Flexible Working Policy

The general aim of this policy is:

1. To facilitate smooth communication.

2. To reduce scheduling costs.

The entire company did full remote work from March until May, but in order to accommodate the above, we began taking a flexible approach to remote and office work. Currently, with the aim of making meetings amongst tribes easier to arrange, we recommend certain common days for employees to come to the office.

Of course, if an employee is feeling uneasy about coming in, or if there's a change in the situation, commuting to work is not mandatory. In a time when things can change overnight, we need to adopt a policy that can flexibly meet those changes.

Company Events

Company events are important for encouraging and increasing communication among employees. Right now, all of our company events are held online.

We've held many large company events online this year, including our new employee welcome ceremony, our Year End Pool Party (YEPP) and also our weekly Demo Day (where individual employees or different squads can showcase their achievements from that week).

While socializing fully online comes with its own challenges, all of our event organizers put in a huge effort to ensure that everyone could enjoy themselves and communicate smoothly.

Interviewing and Recruitment

So, what will happen now when you click "Want to Visit?" on Wantedly?
Our interviews are currently all being held online. From the first casual meeting to the final interview, all of the stages in our recruitment process can be done online.

That being said, some candidates want to see the office or get a feel for what the company is like in person. For these candidates, we can also arrange for them to come to the office and meet us directly while ensuring that adequate virus prevention measures are taken.

It may seem like an obstacle, but in fact because we are online, it's now easier than ever to have a casual chat with a candidate. It's not as difficult now to accommodate candidates who wish to interview in the evenings after 7pm, or those who can only meet on the weekends. So don't hesitate to reach out if you're interested in hearing more about Wantedly!

The purpose of Wantedly's casual interviews is to create a chance for both the company and the candidate to hear more about each other.
Because of that, we make it possible for candidates to not only meet with HR members, but also employees of the teams you're interested in, so you can hear about the role from the people directly involved.
There are many facets of a company that candidates may not learn from a Job Post or a Story. Similarly, there's often much more to a candidate than what is presented on their profile. Our casual interviews aim provide a fun setting where this gap can be bridged for both sides.

We are currently hiring for our business and engineering teams! If you're interested in hearing more, why not click "Want to Visit" and come have a casual chat online?

ビジネスオープンポジション / プロダクトで採用の新たな未来を作る。
“究極の適材適所により、シゴトでココロオドルひとをふやす” ウォンテッドリーは、究極の適材適所を通じて、あらゆる人がシゴトに没頭し成果を上げ、その結果成長を実感できるような「はたらくすべての人のインフラ」を構築しています。 私たちは「シゴトでココロオドル」瞬間とは「シゴトに没頭し成果を上げ、その結果成長を実感できる状態」瞬間と定義しています。 その没頭状態に入るには、内なるモチベーションを産み出す3要素が重要と考えています。 ・自律:バリュー(行動指針)を理解していて、自分で意思決定しながらゴールへ向かっている状態 ・共感:ミッションを有意義なものであり、その達成が自分の使命と感じられる状態 ・挑戦:簡単/困難すぎないハードルを持ち、成長を実感しながらフロー状態で取り組んでいる状態 この要素に基づき、下記のプロダクトを開発しています。 ・「共感」を軸にした運命の出会いを創出する会社訪問アプリ「Wantedly Visit」 ・働き手同士のつながりを深めるつながり管理アプリ「Wantedly People」 ・現代の採用に最適化された、次世代型採用管理システム「Wantedly Hire」 2020年より従業員の定着・活躍を支援すべく提供開始したEngagement Suite ・新しい福利厚生「Perk」 ・モチベーション・マネジメント「Pulse」 ・社内報「Story」 目下の目標は全世界1000万人のユーザーにWantedlyを使っていただくこと。 そのため海外展開にも積極的に取り組んでおり、シンガポールに拠点を構えています。
Wantedly, Inc.

Int'l Team Software Engineer WANTED
Wantedly is a social networking and recruitment platform that connects companies and talent who share the same values and vision. We currently provide two main products, Wantedly Visit and Wantedly People. Wantedly Visit allows you to discover and visit companies who share your values. We have around 30,000 companies registered on our service, most of whom are startups or SMEs with big dreams for the future. Working together we pursue a simple goal: increase the number of people who enjoy their work. Wantedly People is a business card scanning app that organizes your contacts and helps you maintain your network. With over 100 million business cards scanned and counting, we are strengthening and deepening the connections between people. We believe in boldness. We are committed to creating a world where work drives passion and that means going abroad and taking on new challenges. We currently have offices in Tokyo, Singapore, and Hong Kong, and we are continuing to grow!
Wantedly, Inc.
Invitation from Wantedly, Inc.
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