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WANTED! Native speaker to shape our International Message


on 2017-05-16


32 requested to visit

WANTED! Native speaker to shape our International Message

New Graduate
Use foreign languages
New Graduate
Use foreign languages

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Lisa Wäntig

Wantedly Inc. Global Business Developement Team Original German girl, born and bred in Saxony. Currently working at Wantedly's Tokyo office. Mission: To make everyone find the job they are really passionate about. Loves the sun, traveling, good food and fun people.

Kento Moriwaki

Wantedlyの新卒三年目エンジニア。 フィードチームとインターナショナルチームとして、施策を考えるところから開発まで、幅広く取り組んでいます。 フロントエンドが好きで、WantedlyにReactを導入したりしました。


Kento Moriwaki's story

Rei Kubonaga

1987年生まれ。広島県出身。 京都大学数学科を卒業後、独学でプログラミングを覚え、2012年6月からウォンテッドリーのサービス開発を 手伝うようになり、2013年1月より本格的に参画。 入った直後は、User Growthを担当。iOSの立ち上げの際は、iOSを勉強してアプリを開発。現在は、Wantedlyの複数のサービスのプロダクトマネジメントおよび開発マネジメントを行っている。


Rei Kubonaga's story

Wantedly, Inc.'s members

Wantedly Inc. Global Business Developement Team Original German girl, born and bred in Saxony. Currently working at Wantedly's Tokyo office. Mission: To make everyone find the job they are really passionate about. Loves the sun, traveling, good food and fun people.

What we do

Wantedly is a Tokyo-based startup founded in 2010, with the mission to create a world where work meets passion. We do this by connecting like-minded companies and talents based on passion and interest, rather than pay and benefits. We currently have over 22,000 companies onboard and 1.5-mil monthly active users in Japan, have an office in Jakarta and Singapore and are now about to launch in Hong Kong!
Open office and regular all-hands-meetings in our Auditorium
Plenty of ways to learn new skills with us!
Founder and CEO, Akiko Naka
Everyone has their unique working style. Maybe yours is on our couch?

What we do

Wantedly is a Tokyo-based startup founded in 2010, with the mission to create a world where work meets passion. We do this by connecting like-minded companies and talents based on passion and interest, rather than pay and benefits. We currently have over 22,000 companies onboard and 1.5-mil monthly active users in Japan, have an office in Jakarta and Singapore and are now about to launch in Hong Kong!

Why we do

Founder and CEO, Akiko Naka

Everyone has their unique working style. Maybe yours is on our couch?

We believe in a world where people take pride and joy in their work. How many people around you truly feel fulfilled by their job? How can we make more people happy through their jobs? A person's job is what takes up the majority of their day. So we want everyone to be excited about work, and about the team you work with - rather than what you get in return.

How we do

Open office and regular all-hands-meetings in our Auditorium

Plenty of ways to learn new skills with us!

Our company is expanding in different cities and our team is expanding everyday, but every single one is a highly skilled and talented player. All of us experienced working at mega size companies and believe in solving the problems we saw there. In terms of team culture, we are engineer/designer centralized. We aim to be a team where every member can take an active part in building our products. We believe everyone in the team matters in helping us to building a world where work meets passion.

As a new team member

The Wantedly International Expansion Team needs your help! We are looking for an English native speaker that is always on the hunt for the right words, and that wants to push our international services to the next level. You will be single-handedly responsible to localize and translate our platform to our foreign markets - which are for now Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong, and expanding at incredible speed. If you're good at managing complex products and can communicate with engineers, we definitely want to meet you. Basic marketing knowledge, Japanese skills and a good instinct about how certain words affect our users is a must to be able to put our Motto 「ココロオドル仕事」into the perfect English shape. You will have a huge impact on the way people all across the world receive us, and additionally have front row seats for any new functions our engineers are working their magic on. If you want to know more about us and whether we're the right team for you to work at, come on over to our office and we'll show you everything!
62 recommendations

62 recommendations


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Company info

Founded on 09/2010

100 members

  • Expanding business abroad/
  • CEO can code/
  • Funded more than $1,000,000/

東京都港区白金台5-12-7 MG白金台ビル4階