To create innovative devices with machine learning and make them available everywhere Vision 次世代の情報端末を実現するためのキーテクノロジーを提供する To provide key technologies to bring next-generation information devices into reality
We are focusing on research and development of edge deep learning, which allows deep learning to run on edge devices.
150社以上との共創や「極小量子化技術」などをもとに、超低消費電力AI推論アクセラレータ IP「Efficiera」を開発しました。
We have developed the ultra-low power AI inference accelerator IP "Efficiera" based on experiences from co-creation with over 150 companies and extremely low bit quantization technology
・Members from 13 countries
・Female employees play active roles at every layer and the positions
・1 in 2 employees are either an engineer or researcher
・Support for lunch and team party expenses for team-building purposes
・To facilitate communication among the members, we a financial support program for club activities
・1on1 is held once a week for supporting each member’s career growth. Progress on OKRs and business plans are also regularly confirmed through such an enhanced communication
・Flex system and flexible work style
・Close relationship between board member and employees.
MembersView other members
現在研究している領域は、ディープラ...Show more
Company info
東京都渋谷区円山町28-1 / 28-1 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 渋谷道玄坂スカイビル3F / 3F, Shibuya Dogenzaka Sky Bldg,
Founded on 2012/12
Founded by 松田 総一/ Soichi Matsuda
40 members