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Definer Inc.創業秘話②〜独立した時の思い出と、当時メルカリだったCTOの名村卓との出会い〜
はじめに初めまして!Definer Inc.で代表をしています。阪本 健太郎と申します。Wantedlyは、共感採用というコンセプトを提言しているらしく、代表の価値観もしっかりと表明していこうと感じましたので、今回の記事を作成しました。今回は、独立したての頃にどんな生活をして、そしてどのように当時メルカリCTOの名村 卓に出会ったか?です。学芸大学の1 LDKを捨てて、港北区の激安1Kへ引っ越し今思えば、金銭的には全くそんな必要はありませんでしたが、引っ越しました。 元々は、外資系IT企業でそこそこの給料をもらっていたため、家賃は15万円、学芸大学駅徒歩2分の1LDKに住んでいました。し...
We are serious about implementing global recruitment.
IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I would like to express my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.Full remote and...
We interviewed Mr. Sengoku, the representative of Minami Aoyama Advisory Group!
Definer representative Mr. Sakamoto interviewed Mr. Minoru Sengoku, President of Minami Aoyama Advisory Group, who has been supporting us as an advisor.He currently manages a professional firm that covers a wide range of accounting fields, including M&A, stock price calculation, and IPO support.W...
はじめに初めまして!Definer Inc.で代表をしています。阪本 健太郎と申します。Wantedlyは、共感採用というコンセプトを提言しているらしく、代表の価値観もしっかりと表明していこうと感じましたので、今回の記事を作成しました。フルリモート・フルフレックスを高度なオペレーションで実行する実は、私はコロナ禍のずっと前、10年以上前からフルリモートでのチームでの開発をしてきました。そしてフルリモートでの、チームのマネジメントをしてきました。これは、大学の時から遠くにいる人々が対面で仕事せず、”好きな時間で効率的に”働ける環境の方が良いだろう、と感じてきたためです。そのため、職場でも、...
Definer 代表の阪本は、アドバイザーとしてご支援いただいている、南青山アドバイザリーグループ代表の仙石 実(せんごく みのる)さんへインタビューいたしました。現在はM&A・株価算定・IPO支援含む、幅広い会計領域のプロフェッショナルファームを経営されています。実績の裏側に隠された、素顔と信念、哲学に迫ります。ご挨拶阪本「仙石代表、本日も貴重なお時間をいただき、ありがとうございます!いつも、貴社の皆さまから、真摯に、迅速な対応でプロフェッショナルの会計知見をいただき、助かっております!」仙石代表「阪本社長、本日もよろしくお願いいたします。そう言っていただけると、嬉しく存じます。」阪本...
I like Ansible, but Docker makes it more idempotent
IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I should express my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.This time, I would lik...
AWS, Azure, and GCP, each of which I use in my work and find "nice".
IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I would like to express my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.The good thing ...
CI/CD to automate and streamline development sites
IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I would like to express my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.Development sit...
Flutter is seriously hot!
IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I would like to express my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.This time, I wo...
I like Linux ~ I especially love Ubuntu and Mac ~
IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I should make a clear statement of my values as a representative of the company.As stated in the title, this...
The importance of keeping Python minor versions consistent with the OS
IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I should make a clear statement of my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.This...
Vim Lover ~ Editors are unadorned and straight ~
IntroductionMy name is Kentaro Sakamoto and I am the president of Definer Inc.My name is Kentaro Sakamoto.Wantedly seems to be proposing the concept of "empathetic hiring," and I felt that I should express my values as a representative of Wantedly, so I created this article.This time, I would lik...
Ken Minagawa, who has proven himself at the forefront of the XaaS model.(First half)
Purpose of the interviewDefiner President Sakamoto interviewed Ken Kasegawa, President of CustomerPerspective, Inc.Mr. Ken Kasegawa, President of CustomerPerspective, Inc.Mr. Kasegawa is currently working as an advisor for digital strategy and marketing.He has worked for a strategy consulting fir...
Ken Minagawa, who has proven himself at the forefront of the XaaS model.(Second half)
Purpose of the interviewDefiner President Sakamoto interviewed Ken Kasegawa, President of CustomerPerspective, Inc.Mr. Ken Kasegawa, President of CustomerPerspective, Inc.Mr. Kasegawa is currently working as an advisor for digital strategy and marketing.He has worked for a strategy consulting fir...
Interview with Kazutaka Mori, International Lawyer in Singapore
Definer's representative, Mr. Sakamoto, interviewed Mr. Kazutaka Mori, an international lawyer who has been supporting the company as an advisor.Kazutaka Mori, an international lawyer who is currently practicing in Singapore.Mr. Kazutaka Mori is currently practicing law in Singapore. He has been ...