
10. Natalie Eng and her Values, Passion, and Purpose

Values are your non-negotiable foundation, passion is about what excites and motivates you, and purpose is your deeper reason for existence.
- Harvard Business Review

Whether you are a founder or creator, a leader or a gig worker, a consultant or a teacher, discovering and aligning your values, passion, and purpose will give you the best chance at having a fulfilling career, and more importantly, a meaningful life. On top of that, organisations can achieve their mission, and society and beyond will benefit in the long run. Wantedly’s mission is to create a world where work drives passion, and this is why we want to inspire reflections on what our own values are, and how we discover our passion and strive towards our purpose.

This year, Singapore celebrates our 60th birthday, and to honour this momentous occasion, we are embarking on a year-long content series featuring 60 stories on people who have become who they are today because of Singapore, and who are making a difference in Singapore.

Introducing Natalie

Stop drifting and living on autopilot. Let’s create a life you are actually excited about. As a triple-certified coach with professional experiences in tech, consulting and start-ups, Natalie Eng combines expert guidance with a supportive community to help you intentionally design a life where you feel empowered and inspired.

In her own words

Music is a significant part of my life. I played piano in my youth and danced throughout my school years. I also met my husband in our university's hip-hop dance club. We both enjoy Electronic Dance Music (EDM) and occasionally attend music festivals. I secretly harbor a fantasy of becoming a DJ one day, much like the current Goldman Sachs CEO, David Solomon!

1. What are your top 3 values? 

  1. Growth
  2. Relationships
  3. Balance

I try to live by these values in my day to day, whenever I make any decisions. They are also the pillars upon which I built my company, Neverdrift.

Growth to me isn't just about professional achievements but about evolving into a better version of myself; it's about improving the relationship I have with myself, challenging my own limitations, and embracing the discomfort that comes with stretching beyond my comfort zone. It's the belief that we're all works in progress, which actually also comes with a lot of self-acceptance and self-compassion.

"The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth he can accept about themselves without running away."
This is a quote that I really like when it comes to growth.

Relationships - I believe the true measure of one’s quality of life is the quality of their relationships. Whether it's with my clients, my loved ones, or acquaintances that I encounter, I strive to create spaces where I am present and I listen deeply so that genuine connection thrives. At the end of the day, I think the root cause of relationship conflicts (professional or personal) is related to people wanting to feel like they matter, that they are valued/respected, that they are seen. In fact, relationships are a great mirror of our internal world and emotions that come up during our conflicts are great insights we can mine. 

Balance is the delicate dance that allows us to harmonize all aspects of our lives. To me, someone’s quality of life is dependent on their weakest area in their Wheel of Life. For example, if they are thriving at work but are facing a marital issue, their quality of life is closer to how they feel about their relationship. I do want to emphasize however that balance isn't about achieving a perfect equilibrium at all times as that is unrealistic. It is about keeping in mind there are different parts of life that make up who we are so that we can create a sustainable and fulfilling way of living that honors what each area of our lives need in that specific season. 

These values have helped me greatly in my life and thus also guide my approach in helping my clients to challenge their imposed limitations, invest in quality relationships and think about the bigger picture (i.e. their life) vs just one area of it as everything is interconnected.

2. What keeps you up at night? 

Honestly, it's the thought of people living lives that they are tolerating instead of embracing; going through the motions, fulfilling everyone else's expectations but their own, and then facing a lifetime of regrets. That fear, the fear of waking up at 80 and realizing I hadn't truly lived my life, was the driving force behind creating Neverdrift

I want to help people break free from those self-imposed or societal-imposed limitations, to help them awaken to their own power and live a life that truly reflects what they want for themselves. 

It keeps me up at night that there are probably a lot more things I can do to prevent that regret materializing for more people and that I can help them discover and live their most authentic and powerful lives sooner than they think. 

3. What gets you out of bed in the morning? 

Professionally, I now wake up knowing I have the ability and the opportunity to make a tangible impact on people's lives with the work I do. That's a huge motivator that is very exciting to me! The thought that I can help empower someone to overcome a challenge, or simply see things in a new light really fills me with energy.

But it's not just about professional fulfillment. Equally important to me is creating meaningful memories with my loved ones. I believe those moments, those shared experiences, are priceless. My client shared with me a phrase on investing in experiences to ‘create more memory dividends’, and I resonate deeply with that.

4. What fills your cup? 

I like this definition of Fulfillment from Yvette Oloo: Fulfillment is a more enduring emotional state that can persist over time. It’s a state of being that results from ongoing alignment with one’s values and aspirations. Fulfillment is generated from internal factors. It encompasses a broader perspective on life and extends beyond immediate experiences.

What truly fills my cup is living in alignment with my core values. Regularly reflecting on my life and making conscious choices, especially those small, daily decisions, from that aligned place brings me a deep sense of fulfillment. 

I do this by ensuring that my actions and how I spend my time in my day to day reflect what matters most to me.

5. What’s your vision for NeverDrift? 

When people feel adrift, seeking inspiration or a renewed sense of self, NeverDrift will be the name that comes to mind. For this to be realized, it means consistently delivering transformative experiences through expert coaching, a strong and supportive community, and doses of inspiration. I hope that Neverdrift can be synonymous with clarity, connection, and empowerment.

6. Please leave us with your hope/advice for Mental Health. 

Shift the focus from reactive mental health to proactive mental fitness. Instead of waiting for mental health challenges to arise, let's prioritize mental fitness. My hope is that we all embrace daily practices that cultivate resilience, manage stress, and enhance our overall well-being. Think of it as training your mind for life's challenges, not just reacting to them. Just like physical fitness, mental fitness requires consistent effort, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Let's stay connected on Instagram and Telegram, and I invite you to NeverDrift!

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SG60’s theme is a refreshed spirit, and by celebrating Singapore’s journey to date, Wantedly is glad to spotlight those who have contributed to the past, and will be shaping the next chapter of the Singapore story. And as a nation, we reflect on our shared values of multiculturalism, boldness, resilience and openness, which allowed us to prosper.

Once again, in celebration of SG60, let us strive to be bolder and kinder to one another, for Singapore and ourselves.

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