Yohei Yasukawa

YassLab 株式会社 / 代表取締役Shinjuku, Tokyo

Yohei Yasukawa

YassLab 株式会社 / 代表取締役

Having a Good Life by Creating ;)

YassLab 株式会社 代表取締役。一般社団法人 CoderDojo Japan 代表理事。未踏ジュニア PM。

Personal Achievements


In the future

Ruby Hacking Guide という大型書籍の英語化プロジェクトを完遂したとき,Hacker News のトップに上がって中国語やスペイン語に翻訳され,文字通り世界中にインパクトを与えました.更新の頻度が激しく,先人達が志半ばで諦めたRails Tutorialの日本語化プロジェクトを完遂したとき,全国の人達にとって Ruby/Rails の世界がより身近になりました.

YassLab 株式会社7 years


- Present

100% Remote Work company based in Okinawa & Tokyo. We support your Ruby/Rails project. Run websites of Rails Tutorial JP, Rails Guides JP, and CoderDojo Japan.

産業技術大学院大学 / AIIT: Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology7 years


- Present

2017年度からRailsチュートリアルを教材とした講義を産業技術大学院大学で実施することになりました! 🎓✨ 内容は茅場町のコワーキングスペース「Co-Edo」で実施されているRails解説セミナーが中心となっています😆

TickleApp Inc.7 years


- Present

As a Tickle Ambassador in Japan, I connect people using Tickle and the Tickle team, help shape the directions of Tickle, and share lesson-learned things about Tickle in Japanese. Meet Our Ambassadors https://tickleapp.com/ambassador/

一般社団法人 CoderDojo Japan8 years


- Present

CoderDojo は7〜17歳の子どもを対象にしたプログラミング Dojo です。2011年にアイルランドで始まり、世界では70カ国・1,200の道場、日本では全国に70以上の道場があります (2017年1月現在)。

未踏ジュニア8 years

Project ManagerPresent

- Present


YassLab7 years



100% Remote Work company based in Okinawa & Tokyo, focusing on Ruby/Rails Web Development, Education, and OpenSource. Started as 個人事業主 since 2012, and incorporated since 2018. YassLab Inc. - Having a Good Life with OpenSource ;) https://yasslab.jp/


基幹理工学研究科 情報理工学専攻

Conduct researches on proposing Project-Based Learning using Visual Bucket List, which supports students to conduct their own project, obtain lesson-learned things, and acquire self-regulated learning.

Monmouth College

Computer Science and Design

Studied abroad and took the following classes: - Operating Systems - Artificial Intelligence - Fundamental of Communication



Conduct research on embedded operating systems and virtualizations at Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing Lab (DCL), where I specifically work as a team member of SPUMONE, a virtualization layer which multiplexes a single physical processor into multiple virtual processors. And my thesis is "The Analysis of Performance Decrement on Virtu

Alvila3 months



Working at IT venture company in Prague, Czech Republic, and joining in an initiating team to start up an open source software project, Alvila. http://www.alvila.com/

TOSHIBA2 months

Research Intern


Conducting research at SpecPrince that helps creating and verifying documentations for software engineering projects.

Furutani Sangyo, Ltd.

Team Leader

Run a pseudo software engineering project from user interview to delivering software.


  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Native

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