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こんにちは!Sales Marker採用広報です。
株式会社Sales Markerでは、国籍を問わず多くのエンジニアが開発に携わっています。エンジニアチームの公用語は英語。グローバルな環境でコミュニケーションを交わしながら、日々新たなミッションに取り組んでいます。
今回ご紹介するのは、QAエンジニアのBarbieさん。フィリピンの企業、日本のスタートアップ企業でキャリアアップを目指し、楽天モバイルを経てSales Markerに入社しています。今までのキャリアの変遷や、Sales Markerの職場環境について英語でインタビューしました。
Barbie Enokido /QAエンジニア
フィリピンの大学を卒業後、ゲーム開発会社に新卒入社。プロジェクトリーダーを務めた後、日本へ移住。SNSアプリケーションを手がけるスタートアップ企業に転職し、QAエンジニアの経験を積んだ。その後は楽天モバイル株式会社に入社。大手企業でのテストエンジニアリング経験を経て、Sales Markerに入社した。
ーーFirst of all, Could you give me a quick self introduction?
I am Barbie Enokido and I'm from the Philippines and I'm a QA engineer in Sales Marker.
(私はBarbie Enokidoです。フィリピン出身で、Sales MarkerのQAエンジニアです。)
I am mainly responsible for the product quality and reliability of our service and I test them before they reach our customer or our users. And I also create and execute these cases to identify software issues.
(私は主に、Sales Markerのサービスの品質と信頼性について担当しています。具体的にはお客様やユーザーの手元に届く前のテストを行っています。また、ソフトウェアの問題を特定するためにいくつかのケースを設定し、実行することもあります。)
Also, I create and maintain automation tests so that we could reduce the repetitive tasks of the test that we frequently do and I work closely with our software engineers to communicate feature specifications, feature improvements and some issues if we have.
ーーCould you tell me about about your previous job? What did you do before your joined us? (前職についても教えていただけますか。入社前は何の仕事をされていたのでしょうか。)
After I graduated from my college, I worked as a project leader in a gaming industry. And my main responsibility payback was the right specifications and I did the schedule management of the project.
One project took sometimes 3 to 5 months, during that time sometimes I also had multiple projects at the same time. I worked with the engineers and QA as well to ensure the product quality or if our project meets the requirements.
And after that, I moved to Japan 5 years ago, I took the Japanese language school for 2 years and then, after I graduated, I found a job in Tokyo as a QA engineer and that started my QA career.
I worked in a startup company for SNS applications and I did manual testing for mobile and I was a junior in QA at that time, but I also coached New QA engineers and I led a small team during that time, and I felt like I could do more and I wanted to challenge more.
So, I was thinking about changing to a big company specialized in test engineering, outsourcing QA to other companies.
I was a member of the Rakuten mobile, and while I was working at Rakuten, I received an email from wantedly introducing Sales Marker.Yes, and I accepted the opportunity to have a casual interview with you.
(結局、楽天モバイルの社員として働くことになったのですが、ある日、WantedlyからSales Markerを紹介するスカウトメールを受け取ったんです。それがきっかけで、取締役CTOのChenさんとカジュアル面談をする機会を得ました。)
ーーI believe that you have a lot of choices, but why did you decide to join us? (あなたには沢山の選択肢があったと思うのですが、当社を選んだ理由は何ですか。)
Yes, during the casual interview, I think the main reason was my impression about the products. The products were really amazing.
( そうですね。カジュアル面談を受けてみて、入社の大きなきっかけになったのは、製品に対する印象だったと思います。製品が本当に素晴らしかったのです。)
With all of them, you could acquire, and how you use them to optimize or how you use AI to optimize and create a service for our customers.And I didn't have experience in BtoB. My previous experiences were all BtoC, so it's quite challenging I thought.
But when I heard that you didn't have that official QA member, I just felt like I had many tasks to do. I thought I wanted to challenge myself, so I decided to join the company.
And during the process of from the casual interview to the interview itself didn't make me worry, everyone was so approachable, comfortable to talk to, and I felt like I belonged to this company.
ーーSo, during your work in the current, what is the most challenging thing for you?(では、現在の仕事において、あなたにとって最も困難なことは何ですか。)
I think because launching our products should be in the right market condition, so we want to be ready as fast as we can, with a good quality, so I think sometimes balancing the speed and quality is quite challenging.
( 私たちは、できる限り早く、高い品質でプロダクトを市場に送り出したいと考えています。だからこそ、スピードと品質のバランスを取ることは非常に難しい課題です。)
I think that's the challenging part, but after we release or launch our new features it's a fulfilling feeling that I have especially when we receive comments from our customers that they could use this feature and they could help their company to have a higher success rate.
ーーI believe that you have work experience from the Philippines to Japan and also from a startup to a big company. Do you think anything is really unique to us or anything is really different from others?
(フィリピンから日本、そしてスタートアップから大企業まで、さまざまな仕事を経験されましたね。Sales Markerならではのユニークなこと、他の会社とは全く違うことは何だと思いますか?)
Okay, from my previous company, I was in a big company, I felt like because the feature was already there and we just did more on improvements.
But I felt like I wanted to join in like how do we create it from the start or how do we create it before we release it.
So, I think that the main unique point of Sales Marker is that everyone is proactive and if they want something or they think of something that they want to improve, everyone can raise their hands and introduce some process to help the development.
(Sales Markerのユニークな点は、誰もが主体的であり、要望があれば、あるいは何かを改善したいと望めば、誰もが手を挙げて開発に役立つプロセスを導入できるところだと思います。)
Also, since most of the members of Sales Marker are also from well-known companies, they are all experienced, everyone and they're all experienced and everyone has the same goal. So, everyone can work together to achieve those goals for Sales Marker.
(また、Sales Markerのメンバーのほとんどが有名企業の出身です。全員が経験豊富であり、全員が同じ目標を持っています。そのため、Sales Markerの目標達成に向けて、全員で協力し合えるのです。)
ーーAs a QA engineer, how do you communicate with the engineer in the current?
I do both remotely and in the office. In the communication, frequently on slack. Once I just mentioned them, they will reply immediately to take some issues remotely and in person.
We Post in slack and they could reply to my post immediately if it's really an urgent issue like “Is everyone can just schedule a meeting today at an available time in the calendar?”
And, we can start discussing Google meet or by using huddle. Also, in the office, like talking directly, we communicate closely. We have a common language, English. Everyone is humorous, I think, so we talk to everyone.
(他にも、Google meetやハドルを使って打ち合わせをすることもあります。またオフィスで直接話をするなど、対面でも密なコミュニケーションを取っています。私たちには英語という共通語がありますからね。皆さん、楽しい人たちなので、誰とでも話ができますよ。)
ーーI believe that our second QA will join us soon. And I think our products will also expand and we need more and more QA to guarantee our product quality. Do you have anything to say to our potential candidates?
Sales Marker is creating more features and will create more products, so we need more QA to build a team.
(Sales Markerはより多くの機能やプロダクトを開発するために、QAを増員し、チームを立ち上げる必要があります。)
If you want to work in a fast-paced environment with young professionals and a company that is growing fast and you want to deliver excellent products to Japan, we are open for casual interview.
We are welcome for a casual interview with your contact from our website. We are waiting for you, looking forward to talking with you.