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Daisuke Shimamoto
英語コーチングベンチャーのPROGRITでソフトウェア・エンジニア。 使用技術は、サーバサイドにPHP / Laravel、フロントエンドにTypeScript / Nuxt.js、iOSアプリ開発にSwift、Androidアプリ開発にKotlin。主に全体のマネジメントを行う。 前職は、ヘルステックベンチャーでRuby on Railsのサーバ、React.jsのフロントエンド、React Nativeのアプリ開発に従事。その前はIT教育ベンチャーで Ruby on Rails を利用して、業務用のシステムやIT教育の WEB サービスを開発。 さらに昔は証券会社の IT 部門で、Java や C#、Perl を使って、証券業務のシステムの開発を行った。 好きなエディタはVim。 Daisuke is a software engineer working for a English coaching start-up in Japan called PROGRIT. He mainly task these days is in management of the engineer team. His previous job was at healthcare start-up in Japan. His main work is in React Native and Ruby on Rails. Before that, he was a software engineer at an IT education start-up mainly developing in Ruby on Rails. He has also worked in the finance industry where he mainly used Java 6 and C# (.NET 3.5) with some Perl scripts here and there. Outside of his daily job, Daisuke looks at random interest looking technologies like: Haskell Rust His favourite editor is Vim.
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