チームメンバーのみんながわくわくしない限り、新プロジェクトを始めません。心を込めて仕事をするのでFinal Productを信じています。
We never start a new project without having everyone in the team super pumped! We love what we do and we are proud of what we deliver!
Infinity Vectorのサクセスの鍵がダイバーシティにあります。7か国から来ているメンバーがいますので全員の意見を聞いて話し合うことによってサクセスの確率が上がります。
At Infinity Vector, we have over 7 different nationalities. When we decide about new game projects, the mix of cultural backgrounds raises our chances of success.
Because of the huge diversity of the team, we believe that if the whole team agree on a path to take, it's going to work.
Zero fear of failure.
There is never one thing to do here. Everyone can contribute to the growth of the company even if it is outside their main role.
We also believe that variety is key to kill the routine.
In the game industry, creativity is king. We believe that a creative approach is key to success.
We believe in taking risks that other companies would fear and reaping the rewards of doing things differently.
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Company info
Infinity Vector
渋谷区渋谷3-16-5 SHOKAIビル5階
Founded on 2015/11
Founded by Julien Mairat
5 members