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Wantedly Engineering | Increasing Productivity with Zeplin’s Extension

Reduce communications costs and increase productivity with Zeplin.


Good Afternoon. This is Intern Engineer, Shintani Tetsuhei, from Wantedly.

Today, I would like to introduce a tool that will increase cost efficiency: Zeplin.

By utilizing Zeplin, companies can reduce the communication costs between engineers and designers, and increase productivity.

With Zeplin, users are able to:

-Share design resources with ease

-Create comments on specific areas to reduce miscommunications and errors

-Generate CSS from Sketch, Photoshop files, etc.

All in all, Zeplin is a convenient design sharing tool with numerous useful functions.

Until Now

Currently, Wantedly Front End is actively developing with React, which adopts styled-components for styling.

Zeplin can be used directly to extract CSS:

-Editing of coding for Styled-Components

-Removal of configured CSS Attribute in Default Value

-Stipulating unique rules by Wantedly, etc.

Engineers had to correct the generated CSS every time. Zeplin announced on 2/22 that users can develop now develop extensions!

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Original post here.

Founded in 2010 (originally from Tokyo), Wantedly is a social hiring platform that allows talents and companies to meet based on shared mission and values, rather than salary and benefits. Striving to Create a World Where Work Drives Passion, the platform provides opportunities for talents to discover their dream companies, while allowing companies to showcase their brand story and passion projects to build their dream team.