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Job seekers

4 Things Employers Look Out For In An Interview

“You will never get a second chance to make a first impression.” - Will Rogers. Indeed the saying holds true in many circumstances, and even more so in a job interview. Employers form crucial judgments of a candidate within the initial moments of meeting.


Here are 4 things employers assess from the get go:

Hint: Communication is not just verbal 

It is suggested that communication is only 7% verbal and 93% non-verbal. Besides speaking articulately, body language matters in conveying a candidate’s capabilities. Having a firm handshake that conveys warmth, maintaining good eye contact, speaking in a clear voice and an engaging tone, and having good posture are all unspoken messages that a candidate sends to the interviewer. Candidates should thus bear in mind that the non-verbal cues sent out should be congruent with what is said. Having a subtle and sincere smile indicates friendliness and amps up your likability. Not only is a smile disarming, it implies that a candidate has the potential to be a great team player. To employers, a genuine smile is a sure sign of a positive attitude. With that in mind, make Annie’s hit song, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile” your interview theme song!

Is your conversation falling flat? 

Why do some conversations fall flat while in others there is an instant rapport? Whether you are outgoing, or results-oriented, data-driven, or personable, the key to great chemistry lies in sharing similar communication styles. Employers, like all of us, tend to gravitate towards those who communicate in similar ways to themselves. It is thus important to recognize the interviewer’s communication style and adjust how you express yourself accordingly.

Don't be shy; show your zest for life! 

Maintaining the right energy level speaks volumes about a candidate’s competency. What interviewers typically look out for is enthusiasm for the job. After all, a successful candidate needs to have a zest for what he/she would do on a daily basis, and the vitality to carry through on his/projects. These come across in how engaging the candidate is. While there is no need to be overly exuberant, one should maintain high energy levels and avoid being cold, distant or appearing disinterested.

Dress to always, always impress

At first sight, how a candidate is dressed for the interview speaks volumes about the person. Good dressing conveys pride in one’s appearance, and implies responsibility and competency. These are important traits that translate well in the workplace. In fact, good dressing can make or break an interview. Statistics show that when distinguishing between two equally qualified candidates, 65% of interviewers say that clothes are the deciding factor. So don’t neglect to polish those shoes and match up your colors. When in doubt, make sure to clarify the dress code before the interview!

Tip: Spruce up your online profile to clinch that interview

Lastly, the first step to securing an interview is to stand out from your peers when applying for the role. Employers are always on a lookout for candidates who prepares well even prior to an interview, and the best way for you to display your dedication and readiness is to update your online profile. On Wantedly, we help you to showcase your best traits and personality and brand yourself better as a candidate. With an integrated point system on our platform, constantly refurbishing your profile will get you a higher Wantedly score each time. This helps you get you noticed by employers which ultimately gives you a great head start from other candidates.

As Whitney Johnson, the author of Disrupt Yourself: Putting the Power of Disruptive Innovation to Work asserts, people make judgments within a nanosecond. So why wait, take the first step to score an interview with your dream company by creating a profile at sg.wantedly.com today!

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