
Product Designer focused on delivering user-centric and business-aligned solutions, skilled in conducting user research and translating insights into effective design strategiesand crafting digital experiences for web and mobile, with a keen eye for visual design and brand identity.


In the future

Master my craft and create products that not only solve problems but also drive growth.

About ピクシブ株式会社

ピクシブ株式会社1 year

User Experience Researcher / Design Systems


• Conducted and managed in-depth interviews, surveys and data analysis to uncover user needs and behaviors, informing product design decisions with product managers, developers, and UI/UX designers. • Contributed to the development of a consistent 250+ icon set for pixiv's Charcoal Design System, accessible and scalable across pixiv products.

Acess Rehab Health3 years

Customer Experience Designer


• Utilized customer feedback to improve customer experience, resulting in a 30% increase in revenue. • Managed a 6+ team to optimize business processes and procedures resulting in improved performance.

Kiintsugii1 year

UX/UI Designer(Side)


• Defined the product’s value proposition and messaging that resonated with investors. • Spearheaded a style guide and design system that improved the speed of design and development, ensuring consistency across team members.

Aeria Canada Studio6 months

UI Designer(Side)


• Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design a series of UI components for a mobile game with 5M+ downloads. • Developed a custom map system that enabled players to intuitively navigate and interact with the game. • Streamlined an inefficient process, and implemented new tools that reduced in 80% the time in design to development.

LabTIME - Information Technology and Educational Media Lab.1 year

UX/UI Designer(Intern)


• Worked closely with cross-functional team to deliver wireframes, mockups, UI components for mobile and web adopting Material Design guidelines and design principles. • Increased the team delivery speed by 2x after introducing new front-end developer handoff solutions,

Federal University of Goiás4 years

Bachelors of Design



  • Product Design

  • UX Design

  • UI Design

  • Branding

  • Graphic Design

  • Mobile Prototyping, Basic HTML&CSS, Design Systems and 7 skills

Awards and Certifications


  • Portuguese - Native
  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Conversational

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