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Arisa Chelsea Ueno

DraperU Ventures (USA) / Investment Ops / Community BuildingEU/ USA

Arisa Chelsea Ueno

DraperU Ventures (USA) / Investment Ops / Community Building

What sets your soul on fire?


Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements


In the future

◇Dream: To broaden our possibilities. 可能性を広げること ・Make an impact on people's life and future locally and globally. ・ Solve social issues through collaboration with education facilities, government, and companies.

DraperU Ventures (USA)1 year

Investment Ops / Community BuildingPresent

- Present

- Operate accelerator programs for 100 startups twice a year coming from 35 countries living in the same co-living space on-site + additional programs (governments or partnerships) - Maintain government partnerships and its stakeholders

Freelance6 years

Public Speaker, LecturerPresent

- Present

イベント登壇/ 企業研修ゲスト講師 - POPAP ゲストスピーカー - Red Bull Japan 社内トレーニング講師 - バンタンデザイン研究所 キャリア開発講師


- スウェーデンとドイツに拠点を置くCoder Societyの紹介動画に出演 - オンライン案件マッチングサービス「ソクダン」のウェブサイトに登場 - 三井物産での新規事業「SUUP」のウェブサイト上のサービス紹介動画に出演

Project Based ConsultantPresent

新規事業立上げ特化型コンサルティング(日本企業、海外企業両方での実績あり) - 海外企業の日本展開サポート(イスラエル、シンガポール、フランス、スウェーデン、ドイツ、アメリカ、香港、韓国)

Plug and Play (USA)2 years

Global Analyst (投資アナリスト)


Selected as one of the 2 analysts out of 140 investment interns from the top schools all over the world, as a result of the 6 month investment program at Plug and Play in the US. Worked for the investment team based in Silicon Valley closely managed with the CEO.

Politecnico di Milano1 year

MBA - Design Management, Luxury


The largest technical university in Italy for engineers, architects, designers, and entrepreneurs from all over the world. Learning design management, and luxury to reach the next level for a bigger social impact.

ZeBrand3 years

International Partner Manager/ Brand Coach


約100年もの歴史を持つ企業であるモリサワ、その新規事業からスピンオフして作られたスタートアップ。ブランディングに特化したプラットフォームを海外に展開している。 海外市場への参入サポート、事業開発、パートナーシップ(アライアンス/ 代理店)開拓戦略、アフィリエイトプログラムの立上

About Shootsta

Shootsta1 year

Business Development Manager


シドニー発、現在はシンガポールに本社を置き、世界6ヵ国で事業展開をしているVideo Tech企業。日本事業責任者として日本市場への展開を支援中。

SPROUND8 months

Community Manager(Side)


DNX Venturesと日鉄興和不動産の新規事業であるインキュベーション施設「SPROUND」のコミュニティ立上げを支援。コロナ禍で対面する事なく知人の紹介で仕事をコミュニティマネージャーとして請け負い、の新しいコワーキングオフィスの在り方を考える。インターン生の採用なども行い、違う組織から集まった約10名程のメンバーで毎週集まり、会議を開く。9月に現場が品

Vantan Design Institute4 months

Visiting Lecturer(Side)



StockX1 year

Account Manager


About Shopify Inc.

Shopify Inc.2 years

Country Evangelist (Business Development Advocate), International Partner Manager


世界最大ECプラットフォーム Shopify日本第一号社員 The first hired in Japan at the very beginning of starting up Shopify in Japan.

About Noom Inc

Noom Inc1 year

Community Manager, Lifestyle Coach, B2B/ B2C Marketing


NY発ヘルスケアスタートアップNoom 日本第三号社員 mHealth ・Daily communicating with app users online (chat, group management, and lifestyle coaching)

Sumitomo Mitsui Auto Service Co., Ltd.1 year

B2B Sales, Risk Management Consultant


・Consulting for vehicle management (especially pharmaceutical and beverage companies) for cost reduction depends on clients' needs or balance of car accident's rate and their insurance fee. ・Working as sales and a non-life insurance agent at the same time.

Japan-Canada Academic Consortium (JACAC)

・Japan Canada Academic Consortium (JACAC) Student Forum 2015 Representative from Seinan Gakuin University. Got the best presentation award as a team, and personally got a leadership award out of 20 people.

Seinan Gakuin University4 years



・Got scholarship for 2 years in a row as a selected honor student at Seinan Gakuin University. ・Assisted other students as an English conversation partner, and motivated them to go abroad with strategies to get higher TOEIC or TOFEL scores.

Bangkok Time3 years

カフェ & バー フロアスタッフ



Universitetet i Nordland(Norway)1 year

Social Sience and English Education


・Organized some intercultural events for deeper understanding cultural differences among exchange students and local Norwegian students. ( ;pot luck party with traditional food such as sushi.) ・Organized some birthday surprises for exchange students to get along with oth

堤塾3 years




Red Bull2 years

Student Brand Manager(Intern)


・Branding products ・Digital marketing on SNS ・Researching markets and competitors ・Promoting Red Bull's official events

Penn State University (USA)

Summer School Intercultural Communication、音声学について

三越1 year





文部科学省 スーパーサイエンスハイスクール(SSH)指定校 福岡県スーパーハイスクール(FHS)認定校


  • Japanese - Native
  • English - Professional
  • Tagalog - Conversational
  • Norwegian - Conversational
  • Chinese - Conversational
  • Spanish - Conversational
  • Italian - Conversational

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