
重工メーカーの研究職から開発エンジニアへ。メンバーの成長を支え、目指すは「最高のユーザー体験の提供」/ From a researcher at a heavy industry manufacturer to a software development engineer, he supports team members' growth, aiming to "provide the best user experience."

*English follows Japanese


今回は、重工メーカーの研究開発職からデータサイエンティストへのキャリアチェンジを経て、現在はUSERGRAM (ユーザグラム) の開発エンジニアとして活躍している、池田さんを紹介します。


池田 一貴(いけだ かずき)エンジニア 
重工メーカーの研究開発職を経て、西岡CTOが以前立ち上げた会社に入社。データサイエンティストの仕事に携わる。その後2018年にビービットと合併したことで、現在は USERGRAM (ユーザグラム) の開発エンジニアを務める。西岡CTOとは、大学体操部の主将同士で大学時代からの旧友。





































【インタビュー 一覧】

“ユーザー中心”のサービスを育てるスピリットが、ここにはあった。インタビュー #1 エンジニア上杉さん

ビービットとの出会いは、仲間と一緒にサービスを作る楽しさを教えてくれた/インタビュー #2 エンジニア 安保さん

ソフトウェアエンジニアリングは日々進化している。常に新しいドアを開け、熱意を持って挑戦し続けたい/インタビュー#3 エンジニア ニラヴさん

新卒2年目のエンジニアに聞く ビービットへ入社した3つの決め手、きつかった研修期間、顧客を支えるやりがい、今後の目標 / インタビュー#4 エンジニア 山崎さん

ビービット プロダクト開発チーム 副責任者が語る 変化を恐れない会社が唯一変えない「理念」/ インタビュー#5 開発副責任者 岡さん

多くのネパール人エンジニアを育て上げた大学講師から開発エンジニアへ。日本に来た理由 、USERGRAMの魅力、ビービットで働く意味。/ インタビュー# 7 エンジニア ビノドさん

「凡庸な毎日を変えたかった」ネパール出身のエンジニアに聞く、リスクを冒す理由、モチベーションの源泉、挑戦してみたいこと。/ インタビュー #8 エンジニア サガールさん

From a researcher at a heavy industry manufacturer to a software development engineer, he supports team members' growth, aiming to "provide the best user experience."

Interview with engineer Kazuki Ikeda

At beBit, we have employees with diverse backgrounds working in various positions. This time, we'd like to introduce Mr. Ikeda, who changed his career as an R&D at a heavy industry manufacturer to a data scientist and is now working as a software development engineer of USERGRAM.

We asked Mr. Ikeda, who has experienced various jobs, about the rewarding experience of development.

Kazuki Ikeda / Software engineer
After working in R&D at a heavy industry manufacturer, he joined a company previously founded by CTO Nishioka and worked as a data scientist. Later, with the merger with beBit in 2018, he is now a development engineer of USERGRAM. He and CTO Nishioka were the captains of their respective university gymnastics teams and have been close friends since their college days.

A journey from heavy industrial manufacturer to development engineer.

-What kind of work did you do before joining beBit?

After graduating from a university in the Kansai region, I joined a heavy industry manufacturer in Yokohama, where I was engaged in R&D for ships, bridges, and jet engines. Because the products we made were so massive, we couldn't use a tape measure to verify that they were made according to specifications. I left the company after about ten years, not because I wanted to do something else, but because I wanted to take a break from work and recharge my batteries.

-What have you been doing since you left your previous job?

I started helping the company that CTO Nishioka had started before, and after a while, I joined the company as a full-time employee. I was the captain of my university's gymnastics team, and Nishioka was also the gymnastics team captain at a different university. And we became friends as we met each other at exchange games. We both shared the common trait of being Kyushu boys and loved to drink, and even after I joined a heavy industry manufacturer, we often went out for drinks together, and he would listen to me complain about work.
That kind of interaction led him to call on me. After that, the company decided to merge with beBit, and I joined directly to them.

-Oh, so you had a relationship with him as the head of the gymnastics team! What kind of work did you do after joining the company?

I was working as a data scientist. I didn't know there was such a job before I joined the company. The world is full of information, isn't it? But only a tiny part of it is being used. I was really attracted to the job of giving value to data that was destined to be thrown away. At my previous job, I had analyzed millions and millions of measurement data of ships and bridges, so I was very close to the work. Nishioka gave me a good kick in the pants (laughs), and I learned a lot while working.

-Did you have any difficulties when you joined beBit?

When I joined the company, USERGRAM was in the early stages of its release, and I had no idea where to find any information. It took a long time to create a personal development environment, and many parts of the release work were done manually. We did not have an automated testing environment in place. So, we started sharing information on Slack, used Confluence and esa tools to maintain documentation, introduced Docker to maintain the product environment, and so on, one by one. We have now automated many parts of the process, but this is not the end. We are still making drastic improvements and will continue to do so in the future.

I want to create an environment where people who work hard can enjoy their work.

-What are you working on now?

Right now, I'm developing USERGRAM. We are working in the framework of Scrum, and I play the role of Scrum Master in the team. Its role is to support any team members who have trouble, eliminate bottlenecks, and improve team performance.
USERGRAM is a service that helps companies improve the user experience by observing user behavior when running websites and applications. We are developing this service intending to create a better experience for USERGRAM users. We believe that beBit should pursue user experience improvement, so we share the improvements even in small things.

-So, you made a career change from working as a data scientist.

Development is my main focus now. Since I was in college, I've been a blogger, and I've been working on improving the UI by myself, making it behave like this or expressing my ideas like this. That's why I enjoyed studying software development, especially the front-end, which I was doing along with data analysis. As I worked in parallel, I found development interesting and shifted to development work.

-Please tell me about what attracts you to development.

I was making multiple products in my previous job, and they were finally released to the market after several years of manufacturing. Decision-making and the PDCA cycle also took a long time. Compared to that, the current development is incredibly fast. It is stimulating and exciting to see how the world changes through discussions with colleagues, deciding on the direction, making improvements, and releasing the product to the world.

-What are some of the advantages of Scrum?

I believe that the advantage of Scrum is that it leads to individual growth. Even if an individual doesn't have enough skills to handle a task, the entire team can cover the task, which leads to the improvement of the individual's skills. Scrum is a framework for agile development, but unlike waterfall development, where the development process is predetermined, Scrum allows for minor releases in short iterations, which has the advantage of detecting problems quickly and allowing everyone to discuss and improve. There are things that you can't understand until you try to make them.

-You mentioned that the entire team would support you even if your skills are not enough, but what do you think is essential to growing as a person?

I think it's important to build on the small things that you couldn't do yesterday and can do today. If you set a goal that is too high, you may give up, but if you set a goal that you can achieve with a bit of effort, it will be relatively easy to achieve. I believe that even small things will lead to significant growth if you build on them every day.

-Anything that has impressed you about team members' work lately?

There is a new graduate on my team who joined last year. He is still inexperienced, but his skills are improving the fastest in the team. If you do not have enough skills, you may be hesitant to take on tasks by yourself, but when I told him that the people around him would support him, he started to take on more and more tasks. When someone is trying hard, the people around them want to help, and as a result, I think the team's performance will improve. It's hard when people are told to accomplish things alone, so I would like to support people who are working hard so that they can enjoy their work.

I want to tackle challenging issues

-Are there any internal events you would recommend?

Online parties. There were some remote workers before the Corona disaster, including me, so we had online drinking parties, but I think it's more effective now than it was then because now that everyone is a remote worker, I think there's less room for small talk.

I have meetings with people from my team every morning, so I have opportunities to talk to them, but the experience of talking to people who happen to pass by your seat or going to lunch together has almost gone away. I think it's an important opportunity to speak to a variety of people through online drinking sessions.

-What type of person do you think is best suited for beBit?

I think that proactive people are suited for our team. The system is already in place in a large organization, making it difficult to change it from the ground up. I think it is rewarding for people who are willing to make changes on their own. You can actively discuss what you think should be done and change it for the better.

-Do you have any advice for the engineers who are looking for a new job?

As I didn't change jobs myself, it's difficult for me to give advice, but for example, I think that engineers who share their technical knowledge externally through Qiita, etc., have a lot of value. If you talk about your skills in job interviews and share them externally, your value will increase, and you will get a good job.

-Lastly, do you have a message for people who are interested in joining beBit?

I want to improve the current USERGRAM with various ideas. I would be happy to work with people who share beBit's philosophy and worldview and who are willing to face tough challenges together.

As Mr. Nishioka, the CTO of beBit, says, Mr. Ikeda is one of those rare people who can come up with many improvements; he's always thinking about how to make things better. He is also a kind-hearted and supportive person who notices and worries about small changes in people and helps them when they are in trouble.

beBit's development team is looking for people to join Mr. Ikeda and his team!

【Other Interviews】

"beBit has taught me the joy of creating a service with my colleagues" Interview with engineer Motoyasu Abo

"There is a spirit of developing user-centered services here" Interview with engineer Osuke Uesugi.

“Software Engineering is volatile — one needs the zeal to pick up on new concepts” Interview with engineer Nilav Khatiwada

The only "mission" that beBit, a company that is not afraid of change, has never changed. / Interview with the deputy chief of development team Mitsuru Oka

Interview with a new graduate engineer in his second year - The three deciding factors for joining beBit, tough training period, the fulfillment of supporting users, and his future goals / Interview with engineer Yoshitaka Yamazaki

Former Lecturer who helped train many Nepali engineers, Now A Seasoned Software Engineer ー Why he came to Japan, the magic of USERGRAM, and the reason for working at beBit. / Interview with engineer Binod Raj Pandey

"I wanted to change my mundane routine life." An interview with an engineer from Nepal on why he takes risks, what motivates him, and what he wants to challenge. / Interview with engineer Sagar Giri

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