Xiaoyu Wang

ZMP / Software Engineer, Behavior & Motion Control

Xiaoyu Wang

ZMP / Software Engineer, Behavior & Motion Control

  • Amp. Tech

    Registered patents for the underwater I designed and set up a company for it. The underwater snake robot with screw-drive mechanism is still under development and commercialization as a hobby.

ZMP1 year

Software Engineer, Behavior & Motion ControlPresent

- Present

I worked as a software engineer for the behavior and motion control of general vehicles, focusing on establishing and developing the behavior and motion control library for airport tow trucks and EvBus.

京都大学大学院(博士課程)6 years



水陸両用ねじ推進ヘビ型ロボット Mechanical design, modeling of hydrodynamics and robot dynamics, control system design, simulator development for underwater snake robot with screw-drive mechanism.

早稲田大学大学院修士2 years



Control system design of an omnidirectional mobile robot.

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China - UESTC4 years

Department of Automation Engineering


Automation Engineering.


  • Programming language: C/C++, Python, Matlab

  • Git

  • Algorithm: Behavior(POMDP), Control System Design(PID, SMC, LQR, MPC), Robot Modeling(Dynamics, Hydrodynamics)


Accomplishments / Portfolio

Awards and Certifications


  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Conversational
  • Chinese - Native

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