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Ken Takagiwa
Ken is a full stack engineer but focusing backend. He has worked several startups and big company since he was a freshman. He has experienced design, marketing, programming in these startups. He was selected to Cisco International Internship Program(CIIP) in 2013. CIIP gathers outstanding students from all over the world and lets them work CiscoHQ as a full time internship for one year. He worked under Enterprise Network Gear - Software Defined Network. Ken is a full stack engineer but focusing backend. He has worked several startups and big company since he was a freshman. He has experienced design, marketing, programming in these startups. He was selected to Cisco International Internship Program(CIIP) in 2013. CIIP gathers outstanding students from all over the world and lets them work CiscoHQ as a full time internship for one year. He worked under Enterprise Network Gear - Software Defined Network. He develops infrastructure for APIC EM(SDN Controller Application) []. For the researching purpose, he develop distributed network management technology called NetworkSearch in Cisco. He is broadly interested in distributed systems, scalable machine-learning, and big data analytics. He is eager to contribute to OSS. He is mainly contributing to Apache Spark. He is a quick learner. When he started to work for Python API for Spark Streaming, he has no experience of Java/Scala though Apache Spark is written by Java/Scala. He was writing code for Spark during internship in Cisco and learning Scala at the same time. He finished writing code for Python API for Spark Streaming within three months. He has contributed to core Spark as well. These facts demonstrate that he is a real quick learner.
Kuradashi HP:
Company info
Founded on 07/2014
60 members
東京都品川区上大崎3-2-1 目黒センタービル5F