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Data Scientist Job in KYOTO

Data Scientist

on 2020-12-28


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Data Scientist Job in KYOTO

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Takashi Someda

サンマイクロシステムズでエンジニアとしてキャリアをスタート。未踏ソフトウェア創造事業への採択をきっかけに、以降はベンチャーでのプロダクト開発に携わり続けている。現在は CTO として、グローバルな開発チームとともにハカルスプロダクトを成長させるべく日々奮闘中。 1978年生まれ。京都大学大学院情報学研究科卒業。ソフトウェアとロックと家族を愛する40歳。


Takashi Someda's story

Kenshin Fujiwara

学校にクマが出没するような滋賀県の田舎町から、18歳で単身アメリカに渡り留学。帰国後、ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメントにてエンジニアとしてゲーム機PlayStationの開発に従事した後、イスラエルの軍事ベンチャーに転職。その後、数社のテクノロジーベンチャー企業を共同創業。 2010年から活動拠点を京都に移し、京都が持つ大学の知財、優秀な学生人材、よその真似をしない独自のビジネス価値観といった強みを再発見する。 1976年生まれ、滋賀県出身、京都在住。カリフォルニア州立大学コンピューター科学学部卒業。趣味はアウトドア、山登り、夜に日本酒を飲みながらのシンセサイザーいじりとテクノ音楽作曲。

Tomomi Kikumoto

高校の体育教師になること夢みて大学に入学。運動のメカニズムや人体の仕組み、トレーニングによって得られる様々な変化に面白さを感じる。人々の健康を支える仕事がしたい、という思いから健康運動指導士の道を志す。 内科的運動療法ができるトレーニング施設を併設したクリニックに就職し、生活習慣病の予防・改善のための運動指導を行う。 テクノロジーを通じたヘルスケアサービスの提供を行っているハカルスに魅力を感じ、入社。ベンチャー企業ならではのスピード感の中、刺激を受ける毎日。

なぜCTOたちはAIベンチャーに参画したのか ~舞台を建設現場からパソコンの前に変えた 木虎CDO 編~

Tomomi Kikumoto's story

株式会社HACARUS's members

サンマイクロシステムズでエンジニアとしてキャリアをスタート。未踏ソフトウェア創造事業への採択をきっかけに、以降はベンチャーでのプロダクト開発に携わり続けている。現在は CTO として、グローバルな開発チームとともにハカルスプロダクトを成長させるべく日々奮闘中。 1978年生まれ。京都大学大学院情報学研究科卒業。ソフトウェアとロックと家族を愛する40歳。

What we do

HACARUS Inc. is a startup company in Kyoto, providing data science services using AI technology. Our goal is to "build intelligence to coexist with people". HACARUS offers a specialized artificial intelligence package called "HACARUS-X", that adopts the method of sparse modeling. Sparse modeling differentiates from current mainstream deep learning in its ability to generate results from small amounts of data. With this technology, we are able to offer "lightweight", "safe", and "explainable" solutions. We currently build solutions with a focus on medical and industrial use cases. --- AI Solution for Clinical Research · Diagnosis · Medical Treatment Support HACARUS has been involved in the healthcare field and build expertise since the company was founded in 2014. Using HACARUS analysis technology, we can use basic health parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, activity level, brain CT, and MRI to support patient diagnosis and treatment. Currently, we participate in a joint medical study with a major international pharmaceutical company. --- Embedded · FPGA Low Power AI Solution HACARUS' AI solution is characterized by its ability to operate with low computing resources and low power consumption. Based on this feature, we are developing FPGA chip based AI technology, for easy incorporation into devices such as cameras, routers, and industrial equipment. We are introducing the technology to embedded devices, and we are currently in joint development with router manufacturing companies.
Hacarus Engineers
in the Philippines
in Tohoku University
Founder, Kenshin Fujiwara
Vice President of Product with an International Student from the US

What we do


Hacarus Engineers

HACARUS Inc. is a startup company in Kyoto, providing data science services using AI technology. Our goal is to "build intelligence to coexist with people". HACARUS offers a specialized artificial intelligence package called "HACARUS-X", that adopts the method of sparse modeling. Sparse modeling differentiates from current mainstream deep learning in its ability to generate results from small amounts of data. With this technology, we are able to offer "lightweight", "safe", and "explainable" solutions. We currently build solutions with a focus on medical and industrial use cases. --- AI Solution for Clinical Research · Diagnosis · Medical Treatment Support HACARUS has been involved in the healthcare field and build expertise since the company was founded in 2014. Using HACARUS analysis technology, we can use basic health parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, activity level, brain CT, and MRI to support patient diagnosis and treatment. Currently, we participate in a joint medical study with a major international pharmaceutical company. --- Embedded · FPGA Low Power AI Solution HACARUS' AI solution is characterized by its ability to operate with low computing resources and low power consumption. Based on this feature, we are developing FPGA chip based AI technology, for easy incorporation into devices such as cameras, routers, and industrial equipment. We are introducing the technology to embedded devices, and we are currently in joint development with router manufacturing companies.

Why we do

Founder, Kenshin Fujiwara

Vice President of Product with an International Student from the US

--- Use technology to make people healthier HACARUS started as an AI venture for healthcare in 2014 with the mission "to make people healthier using technology". At that time, AI technology (artificial intelligence) was incorporated as a means to optimize meals and nutrients for individuals. In 2016, we concluded that our technology developed specifically for the healthcare sector could be applied to solving problems in industrial and medical fields. After shifting business fields, we are now aiming at the world as an AI venture. However, since its foundation, our mission remains unchanged, to make people healthier using technology. --- Because we are in Kyoto, we are who we are. We are proud of building our foundation in Kyoto. Kyoto has many companies well-developed in areas such as iPS cells and regenerative medicine. There are also many factories in the Kansai area, and it has flourished as a place of manufacturing. In the fields of "life science" and "manufacturing," it is inevitable that AI will play a big role in our futures. AI can be applied to a wide variety of fields, but HACARUS makes use of its location advantage being in Kyoto, and develops its business with a focus to the medical and industrial fields. --- Contribute to the world by furthering "the coexistence of artificial intelligence with people" HACARUS artificial intelligence "HACARUS-X" adopts a method (sparse modeling) that is different from current mainstream deep learning. Deep learning is currently drawing a lot of attention, because of its many possibilities. However, on the other hand, a problem lies in that it requires large amounts of data. Furthermore, deep learning also referred to as "Black Box AI", has background of results that are unknown. However, HACARUS, which adopts a sparse modeling method, can provide solutions that are "lightweight", "safe" and "understandable" for humans. We can offer value to clients who had traditionally been unable to benefit from AI.

How we do

in the Philippines

in Tohoku University

--- Global/International A characteristic of the HACARUS team is that it is very international. We already have an engineering team in Manila, Philippines, and are working with them remotely everyday. We believe that it is important to develop a truly global team to make services that can be used all around the world. --- Diversity The second one is diversity. The HACARUS team is made up of members with different backgrounds, including health trainers, user experience experts, as well as engineers. In addition, we have many differences in nationality and language. These differences help us to think outside the box. While paying respect to each other's expertise, we are building new services by constant communication always aiming towards a goal together. As a company that has a mission of "making people healthier using technology", it is natural to administer the company's attention to the health of its members. We have established the CHO (Chief Health Officer) practice, which is rare in Japanese companies, and have a system in place to support employee eating habits and exercise. Being independent of age and employment form is one significant point of diversity. The average age of our members aside from the management team is 25 years old with some students as members who are working remotely from Sendai while learning the state-of-the-art information technology. Many members are making use of that knowledge in practice.

As a new team member

--- Job Description As a Data Scientist at Hacarus, you will work in an international team together with other data scientists and engineers to extend and create new innovative AI-based solutions. Work responsibilities include: ・Implementation of pilot analysis and creation of reports ・Construction and operation of data engineering foundation ・Model development such as prediction, identification, image analysis ・Built new services by collaboration with software engineers --- Skills and experience ・Experience in service development using machine learning or ・Data Science with using Python and R ・No Japanese language skills required, we are an international team and mainly communicate in English. The following skills are a plus, but not required: ・AWS ・Image analysis ・Web or Mobile application development --- Relocation support ・Sponsored visa and relocation support available (if you do not live in Kyoto) --- Hacarus machine learning technology for medical and industrial use ・Hacarus works in close partnership with businesses in the medical and industrial domain. These companies usually approach us with specific data-sets, such as health related parameters, image data or results from measuring equipment. Therefore, we usually do not run into the problem of "how to collect data" which is often a challenge for AI companies.
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Company info

Founded on 01/2014

70 members

  • CEO can code/
  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Expanding business abroad/
  • Funded more than $300,000/

京都府京都市中京区町頭町112 菊三ビルディング 302号室