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Yuto Ichinohe
山本 暢
I have a strong passion for exploring the world on my own feet and seeing it through my own eyes. It's something I cherish and want to prioritize throughout my life. I believe that by pursuing the things I truly want and taking action to experience them, I can expand the choices in my life and create a more fulfilling and abundant existence. Based on my experiences during my student years, I have realized the potential that lies in this approach, and it has motivated me to create spaces where such possibilities can flourish. That's why I chose to join my current company. Every day, I focus on the present moments with the guests who visit me, as well as the future moments with those who will come. I strive to contribute to the growth of the company and acquire skills that will support my own aspirations and future. While valuing the time I spend with the guests right in front of me, I also envision the future where more guests will come, and I dedicate myself to making it a reality. I embrace the mindset of "just give it a try" and value the experience of exploring the world with my own feet and eyes. I believe that by pursuing what I truly desire, taking action, and accumulating experiences, I can expand the choices in my life and create a more fulfilling and enriching journey. 自分の足で世界を巡り、自分自身の目で見ることが大好きで、一生を通じて大切にしていきたいと思っています。自分がやりたいと思ったことを実行し、経験してきたことが私の人生の選択肢を広げ、より充実した豊かな人生を築いてくれると信じています。学生時代の経験から、このことを実感し、その可能性が広がる場所を作りたいと思い、現在の会社に就職しました。 日々、私は来てくださるゲストの方々との時間にも、これから来てくださるゲストの方々との未来の時間にも目を向けています。会社の成長と私自身の将来やりたいことにつながるスキルを身につけるために、日々奮闘しています。目の前のゲストの方々との時間を大切にしながら、より多くのゲストの方々に訪れていただく未来の時間を想像しながら努力しています。
板倉 好香
My dream is to be a "bridge between cultures". I believe that ignorance is also connected to "fear. Therefore, I hope to alleviate hostility and indifference by creating opportunities to learn about various cultures and to learn a little bit about the country. I also believe that learning about a world you did not know about will lead to "realizing a new aspect of yourself. I believe that self-understanding leads to liking oneself. 私の夢は「文化と文化を繋げる架け橋」となることです。私は、知らないは「恐怖」にも繋がることだと思っています。なので、色々な文化を知るきっかけを作り、その国について少しでも知ってもらうことで、敵対意識や無関心を和らげたいという願いがあるからです。また、知らなかった世界を知ることは「新たな自分の一面に気づく」ことにも繋がると思うのです。自己理解は、自分を好きになることに繋がると思います。
Company info
Founded on 10/2018
118 members