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Yoshimuta Yohei

React Inc / Software Engineer(開発全般の責任者)東京都台東区

Yoshimuta Yohei

React Inc / Software Engineer(開発全般の責任者)


Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

  • OSS(2017)

    自作 - [yoheimuta/go-warmcache: go-warmcache is a thin go package which manages an in-memory warm cache. It provides thread safety]( GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-go - [spanner: Start creating sessions in the session pool eagerly · Issue #565]( - [spanner: timeout / context canceled during getting session · Issue #807]( mackerelio/mackerel-agent-plugins - [Implemented mackerel-plugin-redash #355]( kaizenplatform/fluent-plugin-bigquery - [Support a new option `watch_schema_path` #132]( sowawa/fluent-plugin-slack - [Enabled to handle ASCII-8BIT string #38]( kenjiskywalker/fluent-plugin-rds-slowlog - [Added encoding and from_encoding parameters #17]( getredash/redash - [[bugfix] Setup a new workers for beat to avoid unpredictable stuck of scheduled queries #1722]( kaizenplatform/fluent-plugin-bigquery - [Retry to insert rows when an insertErrors occurs #114]( - [Retry to insert rows also in case of code 502, 504 #121]( cubicdaiya/slackboard - [Implement a QPS ratelimitting function #10]( mackerelio/mkr - [[monitors diff] Add the "to-remote" bool flag #82]( fluent/fluent-logger-golang - [Add a new option to set a timeout to logger.Post #45](


In the future


React Inc5 years

Software Engineer(開発全般の責任者)Present

- Present


パラレル(スマホ専用 高音質ボイチャアプリ)について、以下のアドバイスと開発を行う - アプリの開発に関わるクライアント技術 - トラフィック急増を見据えたインフラ技術 - 新旧機能の設計

City Digital Inc.3 years

Software Engineer(Tech Lead & Product Manager)


スニーカー売買プラットフォームの開発と運用 - - 副業で 0 から開発 - API サーバー開発(Go, ProtocolBuffer, Cloud Spanner, Stripe, SendGrid, Twilio, CircleCI)

  • OSS(2020)

    保守 - [yoheimuta/go-protoparser: Yet another Go package which parses a Protocol Buffer file (proto2+proto3)]( - [yoheimuta/protolint: A pluggable linter and fixer to enforce Protocol Buffer style and conventions.]( - [yoheimuta/RxMusicPlayer: A reactive library to make it easy for audio playbacks using RxSwift.]( - [yoheimuta/intellij-protolint: A protobuf linter for JetBrains IDEs]( - [yoheimuta/vim-protolint: Vim integration for protolint.]( github/super-linter - [Add protolint support to super-linter by yoheimuta · Pull Request #298 · github/super-linter]( analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis - [Add protolint by yoheimuta · Pull Request #319 · analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis]( protocolbuffers/protobuf - [Add parser and linter libraries to third party docs by yoheimuta · Pull Request #6474 · protocolbuffers/protobuf](

  • OSS(2019)

    自作 - [yoheimuta/intellij-protolint: A protobuf linter for JetBrains IDEs]( - [yoheimuta/homebrew-protolint: Homebrew tap for protolint.]( - [yoheimuta/vim-protolint: Vim integration for protolint.]( - [yoheimuta/RxMusicPlayer: A reactive library to make it easy for audio playbacks using RxSwift.]( - [yoheimuta/AMMusicPlayerController: AMMusicPlayerController is an UI Controller with Apple Music-ish Player.]( - [yoheimuta/ExoPlayerMusic: This sample shows how to implement a music player app backed by the ExoPlayer.]( 保守 - [yoheimuta/go-protoparser: Yet another Go package which parses a Protocol Buffer file (proto2+proto3)]( - [yoheimuta/protolint: A pluggable linter and fixer to enforce Protocol Buffer style and conventions.]( - [yoheimuta/BufferedLogger: Tiny but thread-safe logger with a buffering and retrying mechanism for iOS]( - [Fix test when using perl compiled with -Duselongdouble by yoheimuta · Pull Request #12 · yoheimuta/Linux-GetPidstat]( jenkinsci/warnings-ng-plugin - [Add protolint to]( dense-analysis/ale - [Add protolint linter and fixer]( analysis-tools-dev/static-analysis - [Add protolint](

メゾン株式会社3 years

Software Engineer(Tech Lead)


化粧品に特化したフリマアプリの開発と運用 -アビー-コスメ専門フリマアプリ/id1386057672?mt=8 - 1号社員

  • OSS(2018)

    自作 - [yoheimuta/go-protoparser: Yet another Go package which parses a Protocol Buffer file (proto2+proto3)]( - [yoheimuta/protolint: A pluggable linter and fixer to enforce Protocol Buffer style and conventions.]( - [yoheimuta/go-rewrite: go-rewrite is a thin go package which helps replacing files.]( - [maison-inc/spanner-tools: Assorted spanner-related commands.]( - [yoheimuta/BufferedLogger: Tiny but thread-safe logger with a buffering and retrying mechanism for iOS]( GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-stackdriver - [Authentication issue with prometheus-to-sd]( sideshow/apns2 - [GenerateIfExpired ignores an error #111]( lestrrat-go/backoff - [DATA RACE #1]( mdempsky/unconvert - [Allow build tags]( opennota/check - [Allow build tags for varcheck and aligncheck]( grpc/grpc-swift - [Request: private var channel: Channel -> {{ access }} var channel: Channel](

About エム・ティ・バーン株式会社

エム・ティ・バーン株式会社4 years

Software Engineer (SRE)


立ち上げフェーズ - エンジニア2名でスタート - アドネックワークサーバーの構築(Perl, オンプレ) - iOS SDK 開発(Objective-C, Swift) - Android SDK 開発(Java) - インフラ構築(mackerel, fluentd, BigQuery, Norikra)

About FreakOut Inc.,

FreakOut Inc.,4 years

Software Engineer

  • OSS(2016)

    自作 - [yoheimuta/Linux-GetPidstat: Monitor each process metrics avg using each pidfile]( 保守 - [yoheimuta/hubot-aws: Hubot masters aws commands]( mackerelio/go-check-plugins - [check-redis: Fixed panic by yoheimuta #80]( - [check-procs: Fixed the counting logic with -p by yoheimuta #81]( fluent/fluentd-docs - [common-log-formats: Fixed the regexp format of nginx/error.log by yoheimuta #217]( tkuchiki/mackerel-plugin-linux-proc-stats - [Introduced the pid-pattern flag #1]( - [Option: exclude cumulative cpu time (cutime and cstime) #2]( myfinder/app-bigquery-importer-mysql - [Fixed: automatically removed a tempfile when the program exits #3]( charsbar/cli-dispatch - [Avoided to destroy some data of a CLI::Dispatch::Command's child class #1]( shogo82148/Redis-Fast - [Fixed: pass tests for MacOSX #56]( - [Support reconnecting on the specified error #57]( mackerelio/mackerel-agent-plugins - [[redis] Fix a bug to fetch no metrics of keys and expired #272]( - [Implement mackerel-plugin-twemproxy #283]( future-architect/vuls - [Moved to context #243]( - [Keep output of "vuls scan -report-*" to be same every times #272]( kotakanbe/go-cve-dictionary - [Moved to context #32]( - [Remove vet #31]( labstack/echo - [Failed "go vet" · Issue #710]( myfinder/webservice-mackerel - [Fail: perl 5.8 install dependencies (Data::Util 0.65) #6]( - [Extended hosts and host metrics api methods #5]( mackerelio/mackerel-client-go - [[mackerelio/mkr] Accept a value of 0 for warning and critical #38]( muddydixon/fluent-plugin-filter - [Use router.emit instead of Engine.emit to support fluentd v0.14 #9]( - [Introduce a delim config_param #10]( fluent/fluent-logger-golang - [Added fluent-logger-ruby compatible BufferOverflowHandler #42]( - [Remove wrong comments for 'f.Post(tag_name, "data")' #43]( fluent/fluent-logger-perl - [Called the buffer_overflow_handler at close() #19]( aws/aws-cli - [[awscli/1.11.4] `aws s3 sync` failed to delete any local files #2233]( mackerelio/fluent-plugin-mackerel - [Allow flush_interval less than 60s #22](

  • OSS(2015)

    自作 - [yoheimuta/hubot-aws: Hubot masters aws commands]( - [yoheimuta/hubot-env: Hubot manages environment variables in process.env and redis via commands]( - [yoheimuta/hubot-hint: Hubot tells you how to use other commands]( - [yoheimuta/hubot-brain-inspect: Hubot inspect their own brain in detail]( - [yoheimuta/dbq: CLI tool to easily Decorate BigQuery table name]( - [yoheimuta/mobile-videoplayer.js: Web video player for mobile browser, especially for ios safari which is disabled to autoplay mp4]( - [yoheimuta/github-pre-utility: Chrome extension to easily read github issues and gists with long comments without horizontal and vertical scrolling.]( - [yoheimuta/gii: CLI tool to bulk import each gist to github issue with gist url list]( kenjiskywalker/fluent-plugin-rds-slowlog - [Enabled to take a backup of slow_logs by yoheimuta #11]( norikra/fluent-plugin-norikra - [out_norikra doesn't retry to prepare any targets after the thread failed]( - [Retried preparing for out_norikra]( nomad/shenzhen - [Output error when the response of has an error param](

About グリー株式会社

グリー株式会社3 years

メディア開発本部 エンジニア


モンプラ運用時期 - Web ゲーム開発(PHP, JavaScript) - iOS/Android ゲーム開発(Objective-C, Java)

rigureto / promobile1 year



- PHP - Flash

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  • インフラ

  • Go

  • Android

  • iOS

  • Perl、Python などのスクリプト言語の使用経験(5 年以上

  • Objective-C, SRE, AWS and 4 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio

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