Creators' Lounge Inc / CEO & Founder
Board Member / talk×GENTEN
GENTEN (原点、げんてん) means ‘starting point’ in Japanese. “My GENTEN” means my core values or ultimate goal. Written differently, GENTEN (現点、げんてん) is a starting point, or standpoint. In this sense, then, “My GENTEN”means where I stand or what I am doing NOW. talk×GENTEN is our first event, a new type of speaking and social event that will bring together Canadians and Japanese speakers who live in Toronto, Canada and play an active role in a wide range of professional and social activities here. Also, our speakers have had an experience going abroad through the JET Program, or on a working holiday visa, and working for at least a year abroad. We would like to share their GENTEN stories. There are two periods in the talking session. The first period is a panel discussion which is based on questions collected from participants in advance, and the second period is a question-and-answer session. Our moderator speaks English and Japanese and will translate for the Japanese speakers. Also we are planning to have time for speakers and participants to connect after the session. “talk×GENTEN”とは、かつてワーキングホリデーや国際交流プログラムなどに参加した経験をもつ日本人とカナダ人のゲストスピーカーを招き、自国とは異なる環境で学び・働いた経験をいかにして力に変えてきたかをテーマに、それぞれのGENTEN(原点・現点)を語って頂くトークイベントです。 原点:きっかけ。心の核となるような熱い気持ち。 現点:今いるところ。未来への出発地点。 講演は、参加者から事前に募った質問をもとに行われる1時間のパネルディスカッションと、30分の質疑応答の二部構成。日・英バイリンガルの司会者が進行し、全編を通じて英語での視聴が可能となっています。また終了後には、スピーカーとの交流会も予定しています。