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Thang Minh Vu

ABEJA Inc. / Software Engineer


ABEJA Inc.7 years

Software EngineerPresent

- Present

- Develop and maintain company's service application - Front-end development with VueJS - Backend development using NodeJS, Ruby on Rails and Golang - Working with AWS, Google Cloud and serverless architecture

Golden Equator Consulting (Singapore)2 years

Software Engineer


- Design and developer application for Android and iOS - Web front-end developer using React JS - Web backend using Django, PostgreSQL and Cassandra

Ibit Studio (Vietnam)7 months

Game Developer


Work in Mobile Game Development. Developed games and applications using Corona SDK and Java Native. Build successfully and publish more than 10 games and applications to Google Play Store and Apple iOS Store. Some of them have more than 100,000 downloads.

FPT Software (Vietnam)7 months

Software Engineer


PHP and Android developer - Internship as Android developer - Develop a Mail System Website using Oracle Database 10g and PHP (Zend 2 Framework)

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