Teshi Tsurumi

Deutsche Telekom / JuniorBrazil

I am a half japanese brazilian person who both brazilian and japanese cultures. My goal to Japan and build my life there. I really love to construct IT Solutions and that is how I started on this area, developing solutions for myself. I enjoy to study Mathematics and Programming.


In the future

I want to create solutions for people, just like I am able to create solutions for myself.

Deutsche Telekom1 year


- Present

I work as a Full Stack Junior Web Developer and develop mainly with a JSP Monolithic & Java Spring Boot, but I also have experience with Angular, and some database (e.g. DB2 and MySQL). I managed to develop an entire RESTful API using the company's library for the security module of the API. It is an already big ongoing application, then

Universidade de Brasília7 years




  • Java

  • JavaScript


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