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Taiga Kitao

The Locker Room / Software Developer

Taiga Kitao

The Locker Room / Software Developer



In the future

実際にプロダクトやサービスに関わりながら、インターンを通してバックエンド系やインフラ系ににおいてエンジニアとして成長したいです。コーディングをすることを楽しみながらも、"Why "&"How"の部分に注目しながらもどのようにしたらシステム全体を最適化し、規模を拡大することができるのか、様々なシナリオにおいて考えられるようになりたいです。

The Locker Room1 year

Software DeveloperPresent

- Present

• Building a sports social media mobile app for a startup using JavaScript, React Native, Firebase, Flask where thousands of users can interact with others about recent games and corresponding scores, standings and highlights for various sports

Flexcar1 year

Software Developer(Side)Present

- Present

• Building a task-management mobile app for vehicle service employees (1000+) using JavaScript, React Native, PostgreSQL, and Java Spring Boot where teams will be able to assign, track, optimize, and prioritize vehicle servicing tasks with user auth and permission

Tenchijin2 years

Software Engineering InternPresent

- Present

• Built a machine learning model to predict weather effects for the Japanese Government’s “NICT” Project utilizing satellite and on ground radar data with the “U-net” algorithm using Python, Jupyter, Docker, and AWS, increasing accuracy by 20%

University of California Berkeley3 years

Computer Science


Cumulative GPA: 3.86/4.00 Relevant Coursework: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture, Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems, Data Structures and Algorithms, The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, The Foundation of Data Science

Valleyin.inc4 months

Software Engineering Intern


• Increased revenue by over 30% through developing and deploying a web and mobile application for over 1,000 companies’ business communication tools using React-Native, React, Node.js, PostgreSQL • Updating new front-end features on both web and mobile application to satisfy each client’s needs for their custom tools


Software Engineering Intern

• Improved debugging engineering efficiency by 40% through implementing an automated process that handles frequent service errors and a google sheet connection to update error logs • Designed and built the backend (RESTful API, data models, database system) for Zipair, a Japanese airline service, for over 100,000 users using Java, Play Framework, Docker, AWS, and MySQL


  • Python3

  • Git

  • Java

  • JavaScript

  • AWS

  • MySQL, HTML, CSS and 7 skills

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