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Ph.D. in Physics with over 3 years of research experience as a postdoctoral fellow, coupled with 6+ months as a data analyst/scientist. Proven expertise in predictive, descriptive, diagnostic, and prescriptive analytics, leveraging data insights to drive business advantages. Possess strong analytical skills for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and disseminating significant volumes of information


In the future

I aspire to work as a data scientist, data analyst, or machine learning engineer—any role where I can apply my skills to real-world projects and make meaningful contributions to society. I am actively seeking opportunities for internships, part-time or full-time positions, or contracts in any role that aligns with my skills and interests.

Omdena11 months

ML engineer(Intern)Present

- Present

• Contributed to two impactful projects, actively engaging in real-world scenarios. • Collaborated with >50-member international team on end-to-end ML solutions, covering research, analysis, model building, and deployment

  • Lead Data Scientist

    • Pioneered AI ethics-compliant data collection from Twitter and Facebook, ensuring privacy and integrity. Implemented state-of-the-art NLP techniques for data preprocessing, ensuring robust analysis. Conducted sentiment analysis utilizing XGBoost and BERT models for comprehensive emotional insight. • Innovatively utilized RAG technique with Mistral-7b LLM for enhanced data interpretation. • Developed and deployed a user-friendly application on Hugging Face server, revolutionizing mental health assessment

  • Analyzing Brain Scan Images for the Early Detection and Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

    • Gathered MRI brain scans from Kaggle and the ADNI database. Preprocessed the ADNI dataset through techniques such as resampling, noise reduction filtering, and intensity normalization. Augmented the data to enhance model accuracy. • Addressed class imbalance using Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE). Established a custom Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture, employing KerasTuner for hyperparameter tuning. Achieved an impressive model accuracy of 99.22%.

  • Integrating Rainfall Time Series and GIS Data for Flood Prediction and Forecasting in Bangladesh

    • Gathered 10 years of rainfall and GIS data through web scraping techniques. • Pre-processed the data using Python for analysis and Utilized XGBoost regressor for making predictions, achieving 80% accuracy. • Collaborated with international team of more than 50 members on the project and developed a user-friendly application on Streamlit.


INNODATATICS * Innovation | 360DigitMg |4 months

Data Scientist Intern


• Engaged in 2 real-world projects. Analyzed data into SQL and created insightful reports using Power BI dashboards for presenting business solutions. • Conducted data cleaning and feature engineering to enhance data quality resulting in a 40% reduction in data processin

School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China3 years

Post Doctoral Fellow


• Nuclear Isomer Database: Led a collaborative project with international researchers, involving the extraction and evaluation of data from over 10,000 research articles. This database comprises 2,750 unique isomer entries, each annotated with essential features, which is a valuable asset to the nuclear community.

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee7 years

Department of Physics


• Participated in over 10 workshops and conducted in-depth analyses of nuclear structure data while applying modeling techniques, developing strong research skills in the field of nuclear physics. • Demonstrated the ability to grasp complex problems and provide solutions


  • English - Professional
  • Hindi - Native

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