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I am an enthusiastic and distinguished senior year business student at the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan. I am multilingual and have an excellent ability to understand different cultures as I am studying in a multicultural environment currently. I have work experience in inan terpreting position which requires a High level of communication skills and multicultural understanding. I am


In the future

Creating Employment opportunities for underdeveloped and developing countries

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, Oita.4 years

Bachelor of Business Administration


GPA: 3.1 Research Theme: Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the organizational performance with the perspective of employees

立命館アジア太平洋大学, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University3 years

Teaching Assistant


Managed a class of 200+ students. Prepared academic materials, including PowerPoints and lecture slides. Class moderator.

SEIGI LLC7 months

Assistant Accountant


Managed expense reports and reimbursement expenses. Knowledge of bookkeeping procedures. Managed and handled customers.

Aqua Garden, Suginoi Hotel Beppu4 years



Mainly dealt with foreign customers to help and guide them about the facilities available in the vicinity. Translated Japanese into English and vice versa. Explaining foreign customers` complaints to the Japanese staff.

University of Wyoming College of Business, United States of America6 months

International Student Exchange Program, Business Administration and Management, General


GPA: 3.97/4


  • Arabic - Conversational
  • English - Native
  • Hindi - Professional
  • Japanese - Professional
  • Other - Native

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