Sara Cucchi

株式会社インファクト / Business Developer

Sara Cucchi

株式会社インファクト / Business Developer


どこでも誰とでも積極的に親密な対話をすれば、新しい人、新しいことに出会う可能性があることを学びました。そして、すぐにできないことがあっても、忍耐強くそれに対して準備することが大事だと分かりました。 これから,国籍を超えて,グローバル的に人の本の可能性を引き出していきたいと思います。


In the future


About 株式会社インファクト

株式会社インファクト1 year

Business Developer(Intern)Present

- Present

成蹊大学1 year

交換留学 - Centre for International Education


- Attended Advanced Japanese Language classes and classes form the Management Department together with Japanese Students - Recipient of the JASSO Scholarship for 10 months

ヴェネツィア・カフォスカリ大学7 months

Project Coordinator


- Proposed and assisted the organization of the 3-month “就職活動ワークショップ” between Ca’ Foscari University and a Japanese Company (QTEC) - Person in charge of the communication between the University and the Company

成蹊大学1 year

Teaching Assistant(Side)


- Assisted Italian Language Classes during my two semesters as an exchange student - Helped students practice and study Italian both individually and following the teacher’s instructions - Spoke in front of and interacted with about 30 Japanese students

ヴェネツィア・カフォスカリ大学7 months

Back-office Assistant “Placement Japan” (Intern)


Assistant to the Professor in charge of the MoU with the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Italy - Offered this role personally by Professor Mariotti - Business emails, drafting and sharing of reports and documents, telephone conversa

ヴェネツィア・カフォスカリ大学3 years

アジア・北アフリカ研究科 日本研究専攻


- Active in the Volunteer Buddy Program to help international students in Venice - Selected among the best Bachelor's Degree Students in Italy

ヴェネツィア・カフォスカリ大学3 months



- Intern for the “Virtual Business” Project funded by The Japan Foundation and coordinated by Professor Mariotti - Worked in group and developed a 12-section Guide in Italian on how to write a Japanese Resume - Asked students’ opinions through questionnaires in order to make the Guide truly useful

Ca' Foscari - Hosei Online Collaborative Learning Project: SDGS and us4 months

Team Member(Intern)


- Intern for the “Online Collaborative Learning Project: SDGs and us” - Worked in group with Italian and Japanese members to think about SDGs related problems and find possible innovative solutions - Proposed to the coordinator to open an Instagram account for the project and managed it


  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Professional
  • Italian - Native

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