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株式会社トライエッティング / 人事採用担当
関心・強み:組織開発, 中途採用, ピープルマネジメント, 人事制度設計, グローバルビジネス, プロジェクトマネジメント, AIを活用した業務効率化, スタートアップの事業成長支援, 英語・フランス語, 海外企業の日本進出支援 過去の出版物:
- Been in charge of team and overall project management for 9 vertical programs & Program Managers. - Quality control in operation & service aiming the bottom-up for customer satisfaction.
- Been in charge of program management for 3 month accelerator programs in the IoT theme. - As a lead consultant, arranged biz matching between startups from all over the world and Japanese corporations, open pitch opportunities, expert introduction, and mentoring for star
- Was in charge of program management for 3 month accelerator programs in the IoT and Mobility themes. - Successfully conducted smooth program operation and event executions.
- Was in charge of community strategy among stakeholders including startups, corporations, mentors, service partners and employees. Conducted a number of community events and networkings for relation building. - Successfully launched a monthly newsletter and a company blog to publicly share news of stakeholders and the company.