Sandesh Athawale

HCL Technologies / Software Engineer (ML/AI)

Sandesh Athawale

HCL Technologies / Software Engineer (ML/AI)

Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence

I have built a strong foundation in Data science, Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning profile. And I am fond of Mathematics. I have been keep on exploring different fields in ML like NLP, GAN and Computer Vision. I am actively looking for job opportunities in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Inte


In the future

My future goal involved learning as much as I can, until I eventually take a leadership role by becoming expert in my field. I want to contribute towards the growth of your organization financially and culturally and makes it useful for better and advanced future for humanity.

HCL Technologies2 years

Software Engineer (ML/AI)Present

- Present

Review design & implementation • Being able to independently implement machine learning algorithms paying attention to efficiency and accuracy. • Understand new requirements and come up with design for new features

Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras)4 years



Programming Language: Python, R, C++, Ruby Machine Learning Frameworks: Flask, Keras, pandas, sklearn, TensorFlow, Numpy

  • Computer Vision - Video Analysis

    Performed Real time video analysis for classifying the animal images using transfer learning ● Extracted frames from the video using OpenCV library ● Used the pretrained Google Inception model for animal image classification ● Optimised the model using placeholder so that it will take less time for lengthy videos

  • Courses :

    Japanese Language I, Japanese Language II , Deep Learning, Mathematical Foundation of Data Science, Introduction to Data Analytics, Multivariate Data Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Series and Matrices,

  • Probability of a person getting infected by covid-19

    Created a model to predict the probability of a person getting infected by covid-19 using CatBoost Algorithm ● Performed EDA on the dataset of 4000 people to get the active hotspots/clusters of COVID-19 across the country ● Developed a linear regression model using CatBoost open-source grading boosting library with an accuracy of 86.7%


FavTutor2 months

Data Scientist(Intern)


It is a trusted tutoring platform that connects students to professional tutors and provides guidance on subjects like coding, Python, C, C++, Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence

NAKUNJ Inc2 months

Data Analytics and AI(Intern)


Predicting the probability of Customer Retention based on customer Interaction time and visiting frequency ● Implemented Decision Tree algorithm on a raw dataset of 1000 unique customers with 60% accuracy_score

MyriadCara3 months

AI Developer(Intern)


Devised a Fashion Recommendation Engine for online e-commerce shopping of vintage cloth set ● Created a dataset of 500 images by using web scraping and by considering different events and whether categories

NLP (Natural Language Processing)


Performed Sentimental analysis by applying Different NLP techniques on balanced dataset of 10000 tweets ● Performed feature engineering techniques like Word Embedding and Locality Sensitive Hashing through KNN algorithm

GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)


Generated new categories of fashionable clothes by applying GAN algorithm on MNIST fashion dataset ● Introduced Gaussian Noise, to produce a wide variety of data, sampling from different places in the target distribution


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Conversational

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