Tripla co Ltd / Senior System Architect
Hi! I'm a friendly guy from Scotland who loves writing software and solving problems. In the past I've been a pubic speaker, teacher and mentor. I used to run my own company and now I investigate new technologies and build projects in the R&D department of a medical technology company. I live in Shinjuku and love my life in Tokyo. Feel free to get in touch , I love talking about languages, technology, architecture and comic books. Karaoke is pretty fun too.
While working at PCCL. eSolutions is a comprehensive management information system designed to enable Visa Purchasing Card users to manage all their card transactions more efficiently and cost-effectively. Back-end was started in Rails 0.9 and upgraded over time to the latest Rails versions. Development primarily in Ruby and Javascript. Supporting services, including a distributed background job runner and PCI-DSS compliant infrastructure were also built. Pioneered several now common-place methods of deploying "enterprise" Rails applications, including supporting multi-tenancy database connections.
Back-end web development using Ruby on Rails. Front end development using Javascript. Various modifications over time for this client while working at Tic Toc.
My ambition is to remain living and working in Japan, mastering the Japanese language to enhance my life here and help me build better relationships with my friends and colleagues. I'd enjoy leading a small, focused team exploring new technologies and building meaningful products and services which solve difficult problems and make the world a better place.
Responsibilities include:
I’m a senior backend engineer, where I champion the extraction of our monolithic application into micro services and generally deliver robust, complete features. I look after our infrastructure on AWS, and our security / compliance needs.
Skillup Japan changed its name to Allm Inc in January 2015.
Senior software engineer on the R&D team. Product development, research, sysadmin, devops. Company name changed to 株式会社アルム.
My company was founded in 2010. I accepted freelance development work for clients all over the world, primarily in Ruby.
My primary focus at tictoc was on back-end development using (mostly) Ruby.
FreeAgent is an online accountancy application which makes book-keeping for small businesses and freelancers painless (and fun). It's used worldwide by tens of thousands of people.
I developed secure web applications and tools of a financial nature for public and private sector organisations. These included various large UK Government departments, household-name payment card brands. Some of the customer facing applications had web interface developed using Rails.
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