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匡晴 髙橋

Microsoft / EngineerAmerica

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About Microsoft

Microsoft4 years


- Present

to support the customer who has issue with Microsoft related application such as Windows OS

日本テキサス・インスツルメンツ6 years


  • video presenter1

    I had made presentation about how does work the sensor what Texas Instruments developed such as the sensor board which is refer to as TI reference design. as you may know,sensor should be important for Trillion Sensor,IoT,M2M. I've liked to do in public like the video. it should be good way to know what did i do if you could check it out. Thanks.

  • video presenter2

    I had made presentation about how does work the sensor what Texas Instruments developed such as the sensor board which is refer to as TI reference design. as you may know,sensor should be important for Trillion Sensor,IoT,M2M. I've liked to do in public like the video. it should be good way to know what did i do if you could check it out.

  • make a presentation in front of many people as canference

    have you ever heard the Embedded Technology Trade Show at Yokohama ? that was one of big trade show in Japan. throughout the trade show,attendee companies was showing their new technology. there had any conference. one of the conference was what I made a presentation in. please check it out. Thanks.

Texas Instruments6 years

Application Engineer


the role what I'm having is making the IC board for the customer such as industrial customer. it seems like that there are not Japanese people around my desk. each time I talk with coworker , I'm using English to get know each othe

ワールドストアパートナーズ2 years




  • サッカー部

  • 学生団体代表経験あり

  • 留学経験

  • japanese

  • enligh

  • Assemble, BASIC, 営業初級 and 3 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio


  • English - Professional

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