Niels Montanari

Centroid LAB (Los Angeles, California) / Simulation & Software Engineer

Niels Montanari

Centroid LAB (Los Angeles, California) / Simulation & Software Engineer

フランス、日本、デンマークにて様々な分野を学び、応用数学の修士号、情報科学の修士号、理工学の学士号を取得。現在は、東京でシミュレーション・ソフトウェアーエンジニアとして勤務。 I am Simulation & Software Engineer, working remotely from Tokyo. I graduated with a Master's degree in applied mathematics from Grenoble Universi

Centroid LAB (Los Angeles, California)8 years

Simulation & Software EngineerPresent

- Present

-Consulting on fluid simulation and smoothed-particle hydrodynamics, mainly on projects targeted at risk analysis of external and internal hazards (e.g., flooding events, tsunami impacts, dam breaks, pipe breaks, and high-wind impacts).

Grenoble University

Master's Degree — Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Academic exchange: Hokkaido University (Astrophysics Laboratory) (½ year)

Bordeaux Institute of Technology

Master's Degree — Computer Science

Academic exchanges: Kyushu University (Computer Graphics Laboratory) (½ year) Aalborg University (½ year) Ritsumeikan University (1 year)

Thales, TDA (Orléans, France)4 months

Engineer Intern


Implemented image processing algorithms for motion detection on a Linux embedded platform in C.

Bordeaux Institute of Technology

Bachelor's Degree — Engineering Sciences

Academic exchange: Copenhagen University College of Engineering (2 months)

Lycée La Martinière Monplaisir

Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry

Preparatory course for the science and engineering schools, equivalent to an intensive track of the 1st and 2nd undergraduate years in a science major.


  • French - Native
  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Professional

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