Navya Dua

Breathbit / Software Developer

Navya Dua

Breathbit / Software Developer

Creative Front-End Developer skilled in designing and developing multiple web and mobile-based applications incorporating a range of technologies. Aspiring to combine broad background with strong technical skills to excel in future prospects.


In the future

I want to contribute to the company with full dedication along with enhancing my skills also.

Breathbit3 years

Software DeveloperPresent

- Present

Developed an application using NativeScript Framework. Designed all the pages using XML, CSS, and JavaScript. Testing applications with NativeScript playground on Android and iOS devices.

Hannovit3 months

Software Intern


Designed and developed user-friendly websites, pages and templates with HTML and CSS. Developed dynamic websites using Bootstrap Framework that enhanced the user


  • JavaScript

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • java

  • Python, Flutter, Nativescript and 1 skills

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