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Served as project manager. Held conference to raise the vote percentage of 20s and 30s by inviting social activists in youth generation as guest speakers.
Held a TEDx event to spread ideas in Universities. The concept is written below. Universities offer students the opportunity to develop within, and contribute to, specific academic fields; they provide a place where students can endlessly challenge themselves to discover limitless possibilities. Of course, it is not only university students who make universities places where ideas grow- researchers, graduates, junior high school and high school students are all involved to contribute a variety of ideas from their unique viewpoints. Kyoto City is filled with vigor and eagerness for learning – another reason why Kyoto is recognized as Japan’s ‘city of students’. TEDx events are independently organized events, created in the spirit of TED’s mission, ‘ideas worth spreading’. We believe that universities share the similar values as TEDx– both involve individuals who contribute their own expertise, while the organization as a whole is dynamic and diverse. Like TEDx, universities have the potential to become a platform to spread innovative ideas and inspire the people in their communities.