Mio Olivia Masuto

King’s College London / Full-Year Study Abroad東京都目黒区

Mio Olivia Masuto

King’s College London / Full-Year Study Abroad

Born in London, UK. Raised in Tokyo, Japan and CT, USA. Currently a junior at International Christian University and have been studying mainly about communication and business. Majoring in Media, Communication, and Culture in junior year.


In the future

・スロベニア、ボリビア、オーストラリア、アルゼンチン、フィンランド、スペインに行く ・スペイン語を極める ・海外の文化(ファッション含めライフスタイル)を日本に、日本の文化を海外に発信する




Greenwich High School

Eastern Middle School

King’s College London

Full-Year Study AbroadPresent

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