Max Viet

Freelancer / Graphic Designer中野区, 東京都

Max Viet

Freelancer / Graphic Designer

I will define myself as a versatile graphic designer who likes to create in several areas: web, print, video and photography. I have been lucky during my various experiences to have been able to experience everything. During my studies, I also did programming, which allows me to communicate with engineering developers and understand their needs.


In the future

I would like to work as a UI designer employed in Japan. Curious and motivated for new challenges. I'll bring all my expertise and knowledge acquired during my various professional experience for your projects both in the quality of speed.

Freelancer4 years

Graphic DesignerPresent

- Present

Creation of websites, mobile applications, printed brochures, logos... I can create the design of a site but also its entire creation using wordpress if the client does not have a developer (e-commerce, showcase website, simple website, blogs, portfolios, event websites,... ). I can also do the photoshoots in the studio or outdoors.

東京国際日本語学院 Tokyo International Japanese School1 year

Japanese studies


Maisons du Monde4 years

UI Designer


Global redesign of the website, and implementation of the responsive design. Creation of advertising campaigns.

Ziggourat Paris

UI Mobile Design Formation

This training allows you to identify and apply the best practices of mobile UI Design, to identify the guidelines of the different mobile OS, to decipher the trends in interactive creation on mobile and tablet, to manage the contours of interactive design, and create a "working" concept.

Freelancer1 year

Max Viet


Creation of websites, mobile applications, printed brochures, logos... I can create the design of a site but also its entire creation using wordpress if the client does not have a developer (e-commerce, showcase website, simple website, blogs, portfolios, event websites,... ). I can also do the photoshoots in the studio or outdoors.

Kaplan Chicago3 months

English studies


Bleu Dalcans5 years

Graphic Designer


Creation of the agency’s website. Creation of video content for different clients. Management of the agency’s graphic communication.

Paris 8 University2 years

Master of Digital Creation and Editing


- Model, design and develop multi-media information systems (cross-media)

Fortuneo (Bank)1 year

UI Designer


Redesign of pages. Creation of advertising campaigns including banners, newsletters and print. Creation of 3D credits of their broadcast on the stock exchange.

Université Paris Est Marne-la-vallée9 months

Bachelor of Arts and Technologies


- Digital arts and technologies - History of visual arts and theories of images - Graphic and multimedia programming - Visual and aesthetic media culture

ヴェルサイユ大学 UVSQ - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines2 years

Two-years Degree of Services and Networks of Communication


The Multimedia and Internet Trades Department trains versatile and multidisciplinary multimedia specialists capable of designing, creating and developing multimedia products for the communication of businesses and organizations.

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