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◆株式会社ドリームリーCEO.スウェーデン出身. スウェーデン王立工科大学卒フルスタックエンジニア. 英語・日本語・スウェーデン語のマルチリンガル.

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements


In the future

Aiming to create services that can become the backbone of everyday life, helping everyone to focus more on what actually matters in their life! Starting with Japan!

Dreamly6 years

CEO & CTOPresent

- Present

Founded a Software House specialized on Software Development for startups. While doing sales and providing consultancy case-by-case I'm creating a bleeding-edge software development team originating in rural parts of Japan and is now expanding to Osaka and Tokyo. At Dreamly we value taking a challenge together with our customers, working

Panasonic Holdings2 years

Innovation Advisor(Side)Present

- Present

Mentoring and guiding software related projects at several innovation departments, establishing on how to innovate in a truly lean & agile way resulting in the best bang for the buck at the right timing. This is done by introducing HCI/UX centric ceremonies and approaches along with appropriate tools for both managing product backlogs, us

株式会社スリーシェイク1 year

Senior Software Engineer


As the most senior member of the development team I managed our development process while designing and implementing the 3-Shake platforms according to the agile methodology. The platform was managed through Terraform scripts running on EC2 instances. Technologies used were React, Typescript, Golang, PrestoDB, Postgresql, Scala, Spark, AerospikeDB among else.

Various startups in Sweden5 years

Fullstack Developer / Team lead


Designed and implemented web based platforms according to the agile methodology together with UX designers. Worked with technologies such as React, Angular, ExpressJS, Koa, SailsJS, Scala/Play, Redis, CouchDB, MongoDB, nginx, HA Proxy, Docker/Docker Swarm, AWS, Typescript among else.

The Royal Institute of Technology

Computer Science Bachelor & Master


  • Git

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Recommended by Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

  • Algorithm

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Recommended by Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

  • Infrastructure

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Recommended by Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

  • Node.js

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Recommended by Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

  • Docker

    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

    Recommended by Muhammad Razzaqul Haider

  • Docker Swarm, Software Development, interaction design and 24 skills


Accomplishments / Portfolio

Awards and Certifications


  • English - Professional
  • Swedish - Native
  • Japanese - Professional

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