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Kensaku Okada

グラクソ・スミスクライン株式会社 / Senior AI EngineerShinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Kensaku Okada

グラクソ・スミスクライン株式会社 / Senior AI Engineer

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Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements


In the future

analyzing and modeling Image and NLP, data pipeline development for Image processing/NLP, MLOPS collaboration in global scale. see my Linkedin for more detail -

About グラクソ・スミスクライン株式会社

グラクソ・スミスクライン株式会社2 years

Senior AI EngineerPresent

- Present

• 202312 ~ Current (MR Copilot for a medical product - Generative AI/LLM project) - Leading an in-house AI system development project utilizing LLM (MR Copilot) for a medicine. The product summarises medical sales reps (MRs) meeting notes with HCPs, and recommend the next

About 日本データサイエンス研究所

日本データサイエンス研究所4 years

Data Scientist


Data Science Web infrastructure construction on GCP with AWS See my Linkedin for more detail -

eGIS.Inc1 year

Cybersecurity researcher and a data scientist


• Working as a Cybersecurity researcher and a data scientist for the application of machine learning to Cybersecurity, now renovating the cloud infrastructure for it on AWS (Docker on EC2(Reserved/Spot instance, EC2 Template), S3, Route53, VPC related service (Availability Zone, Private/Public Subnet, Route Table, IGW/NAT Gateway, Securi

University of Arizona (UA)

Master of Science, majoring in ABE (Agricultural Biosystems Engineering) (GPA: 4.00)

Research assistant at CEAC (Controlled Environment Agriculture Center) with a research assitantship (FTE 0.33) • Took computer science courses: Introduction to Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Optimiation, DBMS, etc. • Academic Transcript:

Innoplex. Inc.2 years

Senior Researcher


• Supported constructing a plant factory laboratory. • Wrote articles in Japanese disclosed to a professional membership-based website ( • Co-authored two Japanese specialized books: “The instruction and decision making fo

Hacobu. Inc5 months



• Assigned to Programming and Unit Test phase • Developed the company’s own system with first-time framework (Symforny) and first-time programming language (CSS, Javascript, jQuery)

Newton Design. Inc2 months

Contract Programmer


• Assigned to Detailed Design and Programming phase • Developed the programming environment and program with the first time OS (Mac OS X), framework (CakePHP), programming language (PHP) and tools

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Faculty of Engineering

• While working, took engineering and computer science courses a non-degree credit-earning student (GPA: 2.97, 29 units) • Studied about differential equation, linear algebra, (statistical) thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat tr

Future Architect. Inc2 years

Associate Consultant


• Assigned to 2 projects (Jul.2013 to Apr.2014(Basic design, Detailed design, Programming, Unit test, Joint test), and May.2014 - Oct.2014 (Unit test, Joint test (including code modification))

Shore Infotech India Private Limited6 months

Financial researcher (Japanese Language specialist)


Amazon Development Centre (India) Private Limited (Amazon Hyderabad)7 months

Accountant (Sr. Shared Services Intern)


Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Faculty of Agriculture

• Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics (GPA: 3.27, 162 units) • Studied/Researched about Agricultural economics, global food distribution, and various biotechnology and agronomy

Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry

Faculty of Agriculture

• Studied as an exchange student • Acquired academic research/interview skills, and data collection and analysis skill in a foreign country. • Conducted research for graduation thesis “Consumers’ real demand for perishable foods and r

Hitotsubashi University and Tokyo Gakugei University

• Took courses at these universities with the unit exchange system • Got A–level in Business Strategy, Asset Management, and Social Psychology, International Organization Law, Music Composition I, English Conversation III. , Management of Education


  • Japanese - Native
  • English - Professional

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