東洋大学附属牛久高等学校 / 社会科 ICT委員会
コロナ禍における高校生のオンライン授業に対する意識の変容について,アンケート調査の結果から明らかにした. なお,本研究は生徒の探求活動の一貫として取り組ませたものであり,研究の仮設設定,調査方法の検討,考察,原稿執筆は全て教員の指導の下,生徒が行っている. <研究要約> With the aim of improving the quality of online classes in high schools, this study examined the changing attitudes of high school students toward online classes and the requirements for online classes to improve students' motivation to learn. The results of a questionnaire survey of high school students revealed that, as they became accustomed to operating the equipment through participating in online classes several times, they began to seek active way of learning where they could feel that they were participating in the class, rather than passive attitudes where they received one-way lectures from the teacher. Based on the free responses to the "conditions for a good class," we summarized the requirements for online classes to improve students' motivation to learn into the four points.