If you listen to your heart and respect others, everything else will follow.

Webエンジニアとして8年のキャリアを持ち、これまでに仏パリを中心にスタートアップ数社を経験。フルスタックエンジニア、リードエンジニアとして様々なプロダクトの開発・リリースや運用を経験した後に、2019年1月よりOpen Room Inc.に参画。同年8月にCTO(最高技術責任者)に就任。主にサーバーサイドでのプロダクト開発や開発工程全体の統括を担う。仏École Supérieure de Génie Informatique工学院修士卒。

Personal Achievements


In the future

Change the Real Estate market in Japan

Open Room6 years


- Present

Open Room is on a mission to change the way the Real Estate industry works, by providing software to real estate agents and to the public.

Cubyn2 years

Lead Developer


Architecture and rewrite of the entire stack from Monolith to Microservices Plan and execute migration from AWS to GCP Add containers to dev workflow, CI/CD and orchestration using Kubernetes

Dial Once3 years

VP of Engineering


Architecture and implementation of the MVP Responsible for the code quality and maintainability Recruit and organize the work of the tech team Update stockholders with technical achievements and forecast


Master of 3D and Videogames Engineering

Research on loading speed optimizations Research on genetic mutation AI 3D modeling Programming on PC, Sony PSP and Sega Dreamcast Using Python, C++, C#

Chronoresto1 year

Full Stack Engineer

Tech lead on new partnership development with Yelp Maintain and improve the current website made with ASP.NET MVC and Orchard Add new features to our order managment system where orders are sent live, ASP.NET MVC

Sien2 years

Software Engineer


Steam-like software development based on Chromium R&D on a deskband Launcher for Windows 7, using C++ R&D on a messaging system inside chrome extensions using websocket protocols New browser POC based on a Chromium fork (now UR browser)


Bachelor of Engineering of CS and IT

Multi-platform development using C++ Algorithmic

Asset Technology2 years

Software Engineer(Intern)


ERP development (VB6 to C#.NET migration) Computer fleet management (orders, maintenance, inventory) and technical support Design, plan and develop and remote update software for the computer fleet

Mediaplazza2 years

Software Engineer(Intern)


CMS development (fullstack) for mobile phones with low display capacities Development of B2B projects PHP (Zend Framework) - MySQL


  • DevOps

    • Juniti Koyama

    Recommended by Juniti Koyama

  • C#

    • Juniti Koyama

    Recommended by Juniti Koyama

  • Unity

    • Juniti Koyama

    Recommended by Juniti Koyama

  • C++

    • Juniti Koyama

    Recommended by Juniti Koyama

  • JavaScript

  • Git, Algorithm, Infrastructure and 11 skills


Accomplishments / Portfolio

Awards and Certifications


  • English - Native
  • French - Native
  • Japanese - Conversational
  • German - Conversational

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