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Ismith Pasha

Trust Axiata Digital Limited / Software Development ManagerBangladesh

Ismith Pasha

Trust Axiata Digital Limited / Software Development Manager

Live the life you love

Career Summary: * I have about 7+ years of experience in Microsoft DotNet Technology. * Experience with Native Android Development * Working experience with foreign organizations.

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements


In the future

I am seeking to work in a challenging and innovative environment so that I can keep learning new things and enhance my skills.

Trust Axiata Digital Limited1 year

Software Development ManagerPresent

- Present

I am currently employed as Manager (Software Development) at Trust Axiata Digital Limited (a Concern of Trust Bank Limited).

TechnoNext Ltd.1 year

Senior Software Engineer


My responsibilities in TechnoNext Ltd.:

Techorbital Technologies4 years

Software Engineer


Responsibilities: * Team Lead - Mobile Apps Department, * Requirement analysis, planning, architect design, develop, * Meeting with client.

Flora Systems Limited3 years

Assistant Programmer


Responsibilities: Web Service and API development using Dot Net Framework, Back end API development and modification for existing projects, Mobile Application Development, User Interface

Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

MS in Computer Science

Final Thesis/Project: 1. "IoT based Smart Home System using Mobile Application". Projects: 1. Vehicle Tracking System - Arduino, Android 3. Patient Management System - Android Application

East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

BSc in Computer Science & Engineering

Final Thesis/Project: 1. "Stock Market Price Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network".

Sonar Bangla College, Cumilla, Bangladesh


Bhubanghar Abul Hashem Abbasia High School, Cumilla, Bangladesh


Activities: Cricket Club, Book Club.


  • Java

    • Md. Al-Amin Tusar
    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider
    • アハメド タンビル

    Recommended by Md. Al-Amin Tusar and 6 more

  • C#

    • Md. Al-Amin Tusar
    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider
    • アハメド タンビル

    Recommended by Md. Al-Amin Tusar and 6 more

  • Android

    • Md. Al-Amin Tusar
    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider
    • アハメド タンビル

    Recommended by Md. Al-Amin Tusar and 5 more

  • ASP .NET

    • Md. Al-Amin Tusar
    • Muhammad Razzaqul Haider
    • アハメド タンビル

    Recommended by Md. Al-Amin Tusar and 5 more

  • C++

    • アハメド タンビル
    • Moniruzzaman Shadhin
    • Md Mostafizur Rahman

    Recommended by アハメド タンビル and 4 more

  • Desktop Application, Bootstrap, SQL and 15 skills


Accomplishments / Portfolio

Awards and Certifications


  • English - Professional
  • Hindi - Conversational

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