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Hieu Dang

株式会社BtoA / Tech Lead

Ruby lover. I am really passionate about doing startups building my dream team, working with & coaching junior devs. BtoA is the best company that I want to contribute and we would make it the number 1 HR product in Asia!


In the future

Explore the world and make things that matter!

株式会社BtoA5 years

Tech LeadPresent

- Present

Ruby lover. I am really passionate about doing startups building my dream team, working with & coaching junior devs. BtoA is the best company that I want to contribute and we would make it the number 1 HR product in Asia!

Ruby Development3 years

Senior Developer


Pentalog Vietnam9 months



Work as full-stack developer for French client

Framgia Vietnam3 years



Contribute to projects as a ruby developer and technical leader

Wonav1 year



a startup project

Hanoi FPT-Aptech

High Diplomat Software Engineer

Oceantechnology jsc4 months

Executive Technical


University of Transport and Communications


after 2 years, dropped out for startup

Trường THPT Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai - Hà Nội


  • rails

    • Ryo Kobari
    • Phương J Lê H
    • Nathan Nguyen

    Recommended by Ryo Kobari and 3 more

  • Ruby

    • Ryo Kobari
    • Phương J Lê H
    • Nathan Nguyen

    Recommended by Ryo Kobari and 3 more

  • Git

    • Phương J Lê H
    • Nathan Nguyen
    • Yoshiki Billy Ikegaya

    Recommended by Phương J Lê H and 2 more

  • MySQL

    • Phương J Lê H
    • Nathan Nguyen

    Recommended by Phương J Lê H, Nathan Nguyen

  • Infrastructure

    • Nathan Nguyen
    • Yoshiki Billy Ikegaya

    Recommended by Nathan Nguyen, Yoshiki Billy Ikegaya

  • Linux, React.js, MySQL

Accomplishments / Portfolio

Awards and Certifications


  • English - Professional
  • Vietnamese - Native

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