Kazuhiro Ogura

Kazuhiro Ogura started his company Horizon Digital Enterprise, Inc. (which changed its name into HDE Inc. later in 2005, and then into HENNGE later in 2019) in 1996 when he was a 21-year-old student at Hitotsubashi University, and he still is a CEO until now, so he doesn't have any working records other than in HENNGE.


In the future

Trip around the world in kimono Learn Bahasa Indonesia

HENNGE29 years


- Present

Hitotsubashi University


Started HDE

Surugadai Prep School

Found his wife

Toho High School

Played a guitar

Takaido Junior High

Developed geekiness

Hamadayama Elementary School

Started programming


  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Native

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