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Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements


In the future


Modelmap7 years


- Present

Our mission is to visualize all of economic flows and structures in the world. We simply analyze how everything works, connect each flow / structure and simulate how this world behaves.

Tokyo Modelling Associates9 years


- Present

東京モデリングアソシエイツ (TMA) は、低品質な財務モデルが非常に高いコストで作成・流通・管理されている日本のプライマリー金融市場および経営管理状況を危惧し、UKを中心とするModelling専門ファームのプラクティスを取り入れた最高品質のモデルを、国内にてリーズナブルな価格で提供するべく設立されました。TMAでは、専門的なキャリアを歩み、財務モデル構築

Carnegie Mellon University

MBA from Tepper School of Business

Graduate Entrepreneurship Club Graduate Finance Association

PwC4 years

Senior Assosiate


Designed financial models mainly for PE firms, energy-investment companies and corporate managements under M&A, Project Financing, Business Recovery or other various transaction. In addition to modelling work, experience in the position including equity/asset valuation (fixed assets, financial assets, intangible assets) and Purchase Price Allocation.

Daiwa Securities Capital Markets3 years

Quantitative Analyst


Hitotsubashi University

Corporate Finance and Accounting

愛光学園 (Aiko Junior and Senior High)


  • English - Professional

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