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Frederic Lin

ジールズ株式会社 / Sales Account Manager - TaiwanTaipei, Taiwan

Frederic Lin

ジールズ株式会社 / Sales Account Manager - Taiwan

Web Designer, UI Developer, Front-end Developer

20 years graphics & visual design with the print background. 18 years web design & production. 8 years UI design. 8 years website management & internet marketing experience.


In the future

Create at least one useful stuff for the world.

ジールズ株式会社8 years

Sales Account Manager - TaiwanPresent

- Present

1. In charge of Sales, Marketing and Customer Service in Taiwan market. 2. Front-End development. 3. APP UI Development.

The Imaging Source Asia2 years

PHP Web Developer


1. Company Website planning and design and Internal system user interface design. 2. Create documents and user manual. 3. Graphics design and printing.

getchee4 years

Sr. UI Developer


1. Build Website, Web Apps, Mobile Devices Apps, Software interface and Internal System user interface. 2. Create documents and user manual. 3. New technology and skill research.

Carey Technologies1 year

UI Designer


1. MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) UI design. 2. Mobile device apps UI design. 3. Xerox machine control panel UI design. 4. Internal documents design.

Red Poodle Information4 years

Project Manager


1. Website planning and design. Internet marketing campaigns. 2. System planning and design. 3. Trademarks, graphics, business, packaging design and printing. 4. Site management and analysis. 5. Customer services.

General Resources (AGP Telecom)3 years

Chief Designer


1. Responsible for the CI group, graphics, packaging & brochure design. 2. Monitor printing flow and quality. 3. Have designed and management two companies’ websites. 4. Industrial design (Phone bodies, Digital TV and Other products).

Freelance Designer4 years


1. Trademarks, graphics, packaging design and printing. 2. Website planning and design. Internet marketing campaigns. 3. Multimedia & Flash development.

eslite Corporation3 years

Digital Visual Designer


Designed & created Taiwan’s eslite bookstore website.


  • Sketch

  • Bootstrap

  • SharePoint Designer

  • Responsive web design

  • Wordpress

  • CSS3, HTML5, Sass/Compass and 3 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio


  • English - Professional
  • Taiwanese - Native
  • Mandarin - Native

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