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Dan Park

Dunamu & Partners / Investment Analyst, Venture CapitalSeoul, Korea

Dan Park

Dunamu & Partners / Investment Analyst, Venture Capital

Dan is an VC analyst who believes in a simple principle: “work hard and be kind”.

Dan is an investment analyst who believes in a simple but not an easy principle: “work hard and be kind”. Dan joined Dunamu & Partners to contribute to the world changing process via helping passionate, undaunted, and driven entrepreneurs. He is a true believer of disruptive innovation and brighter future.

Dunamu & Partners6 years

Investment Analyst, Venture CapitalPresent

- Present

<Company Website: http://dunamupartners.com> • Dunamu & Partners is looking for passionate and dedicated entrepreneurs. We work with the brightest entrepreneurs who are focused on making a positive and meaningful impact. Our goal is to help entrepreneurs navigate their own success and be a partner throughout this process.

TMON3 years

Sr. Analyst, Corporate Strategy


Project Manager @Corporate Strategy, Seoul South Korea

The Boston Consulting Group2 months

Research Assistant


Turnaround strategy project for top-tier construction machinery manufacturer, Seoul South Korea

Bain & Company3 months

Summer Analyst


New retail store strategy project for top-tier health & beauty retailer, Seoul South Korea

BMW Group4 months

Business Development Intern


Up-Sell Targeted Marketing, Tokyo Japan

Philip Morris International8 months

Operations Management Trainee


Operations & Marketing, worked on iQOS & Marlboro, Tokyo Japan

Repulic of Korea Marine Corps2 years

Sergeant (NCO, USMC E-4)


Marine Honor Guard, Marine HQ South Korea

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