The Odin Project / Full Stack Javascript
Vue.js SNS
I've recreated my SNS, originally made using React, buy using Vue.JS. The design is almost identical, while retaining all of the features from the Reach version.
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Ankh Systems / Ankh Systems
A web developer from Canada with work experience using Javascript and Typescript, always striving to improve my knowledge and skills. I hope to continue improving my skills and work for a good company here in Japan.
I hope to challenge myself to take on a career in web development using the skills I've learned by myself, from peers and mentors, and through work experience.
- Worked on large scale projects in teams of 10 or more people - Worked on projects using popular coding languages such as Typescript and Ruby - Set and reach development targets - Communicate internally in both English and Japanese
I've recreated my SNS, originally made using React, buy using Vue.JS. The design is almost identical, while retaining all of the features from the Reach version.
Javascript, Typescript, React, Vue, Redux, Webpack, Node.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Nest
One of few instructors selected to pilot regional division Creating and managing mine and students’ schedules Working with students one-on-one to help achieve individual goals Communicating with students and colleagues of other languages, in both
Including courses in: Business Communications Marketing Human Resources
I had an opportunity to study various management courses, but also a lot of calculus and statistics.
The Odin Project / Full Stack Javascript
I've recreated my SNS, originally made using React, buy using Vue.JS. The design is almost identical, while retaining all of the features from the Reach version.