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Connor Ketcheson

Freelance / Full Stack EngineerTokyo

Connor Ketcheson

Freelance / Full Stack Engineer

A web developer from Canada who has been studying Javascript, Typescript, and related front-end and back-end languages and libraries. I hope to continue improving my skills and work for a good company here in Japan.


In the future

I hope to challenge myself to take on a career in web development using the skills I've learned by myself, from peers and mentors, and through work experience.

Freelance8 months

Full Stack Engineer(Side)Present

- Present

Javascript, Typescript, React, Vue, Redux, Webpack, Node.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Nest

英会話イーオン5 years

事業部Regional InstructorPresent

- Present

One of few instructors selected to pilot regional division Creating and managing mine and students’ schedules Working with students one-on-one to help achieve individual goals Communicating with students and colleagues of other languages, in both

The Odin Project3 years

Full Stack Javascript


  • Memory Cards
  • Vue.js SNS

    I've recreated my SNS, originally made using React, buy using Vue.JS. The design is almost identical, while retaining all of the features from the Reach version.

  • Chatbox SNS

Guelph Humber4 years

Bachelor of Commerce, Finance


Including courses in: Business Communications Marketing Human Resources

University of Toronto3 years



I had an opportunity to study various management courses, but also a lot of calculus and statistics.


  • React.js

  • TypeScript

  • Node.js

  • MongoDB

  • JavaScript

  • express.js, HTML + CSS, Typescript and 1 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Conversational

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