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Brian Bocquet

Östsvenska Yrkeshögskola / Software Developer

Brian Bocquet

Östsvenska Yrkeshögskola / Software Developer

Software developer

Career-switching, software development student with a diverse background in social sciences and languages, coupled with previous professional and international experience. Robust knowledge of programming principles, strong problem-solving abilities and cross-cultural communication skills. Currently JLPT(日本語能力試験)N

Östsvenska Yrkeshögskola3 years

Software Developer


Full stack development Proficiency in C#, Python, Javascript Fundamentals of programming principles, SCRUM, git, and databases

XLENT Consulting Group2 months



Front end developer Developed the administrative front-end side of a product using React and Typescript. Used Azure DevOps for file management and planning. Previous

Korea University3 years

MA International Relations


Masters in international relations, east asian studies, and peace and security studies.

United Nations Development Programme7 months

Programme intern(Intern)


Assist in project management, drafting papers, conference planning.

Uppsala University3 years

BA Political Science


Bachelors in political science, arabic and middle east studies.


  • C#

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript

  • React

  • Git

  • ASP.NET, figma, English and 3 skills

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