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Creativity is Connection

I come from Southern California, where I grew up surfing and hiking. Since graduating from Waseda, I have developed a wide range of experiences in international education, marketing, mental health and even filmmaking. I pride myself on being a tireless team member who is able to connect disparate ideas to create something new.


In the future

I want to help the students of Japan think globally in order to expand the definition of what their country can be in the future. 私は、日本の学生たちが将来、自分たちの国がどうあるべきかという定義を広げるために、グローバルな思考をする手助けをしたいと思っている。

Y-SAPIX2 years


- Present

Serving as a counselor for a college admissions program Tutoring students in language facets of the SAT university entrance exam Building relationships with admissions staff at US universities Organizing online seminars related to college admissions

Study Abroad Foundation2 years

Program Specialist


Built and managed a large portfolio of study abroad programs to some of the top universities in the United States. Provided service to students from Japan, China, and Korea before, during, and after study abroad trips to North American Universities

Prevail Health, Inc.2 years

Peer Support Coach


Involved directly with community mental health care. Served as a cognitive behavioral therapy counselor and coach for people experiencing a wide-range of life problems and mental health issues.

Imuraya USA1 year

Outside Sales Representative


I trained as an Outside Sales team member covering the Greater Los Angeles area for the Imuraya Foods brand. I gathered and processed customer feedback and lead ground-level outreach events, cultivating interest on several college campuses in the Imuraya brand as well as Japanese culture in general.

Volunteer in Cambodia1 year



I traveled to Phnom Penh and Siem Riep in Cambodia to assist with the operations of a hospital that provides medical service to locals free of charge. カンボジアのプノンペンとシェムリエプに行き、現地の人に無料で医療サービスを提供する病院の運営を手伝いました。

School of International Liberal Studies (SILS) Waseda University5 years

Liberal Arts


My courses focused mainly on filmmaking and marketing. I worked in the film studeies seminar of SILS president Norimasa Morita and enjoyed lectures from Hirokazu Koreeda.


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Professional
  • Spanish - Conversational

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