
Behind the Job Post: Sexy Job Descriptions that Make Candidates Want to Visit

Talent on Wantedly search for jobs based on relatability - how much they relate to a company’s mission, values, and culture. With this in mind, it’s important to consider the perspective of the talent when writing your job descriptions.

Here’s how to write the sexy job description that will attract and turn talent into your next team member - or at least your company’s advocates.

Job Posts on Wantedly consist of four parts:

  1. Company’s Story
    1. What we do (what does your company do?)
    2. Why we do (why does your company exist?)
    3. How we do (how does your company practice?)
  2. Job Description

While your Company’s Story remains the same for all Job posts (you need to edit it only once, or you can also customise a unique Company’s Story for the specific Job post), the job description is unique to every job post. As the description is the final section of the Job Post, it is the most impactful section to incite action!

3 Ways to Make the Job Description Sexy for Talent

  1. Let them imagine what it’s like working at your company
  2. Build their excitement by highlighting future growth opportunities
  3. Share what happens next (call-to-action)

1.Let them imagine what it’s like working at your company

What’s it like working in your company?

From the responsibilities and experience necessary for the role, the Job Post can include the goals of the department and how it fits into your company's overall mission to share an idea of your expectations as well. Who will this future team member be working with? What type of projects will they take part in? Paint a picture of your company for talent to imagine themselves in.

2.Build their excitement by highlighting future growth opportunities

What opportunities lie ahead of this role?

According to a study by Gallup (n.d.), one of the three things employees look out for when making their next career move is “opportunities for unlimited development.” Include the career trajectory for the role and other learning and development opportunities your company offers for your team.

It’s important to share what stage your company is in. Is it in a startup, growth, or matured phase? Depending on where your company’s at, you can also share what talent can look forward to for your company’s future.

3. Share what happens next (call-to-action)

The hiring process is much more than publishing a Job Post and conducting an interview. The purpose of the Job Post, especially within the job description, is to evoke talent’s interests in your company and the role itself. Once they apply, it’s your job to nurture this talent to become your next team member and/or brand advocates.

Add a prompt call-to-action to lead talent to click, “Want to Visit,” on your Job Post. Let them know what to expect when they visit your office to get to know your team better!

Get inspired with these examples:

  • Think this sounds like you? Let’s chat - click “Want to Visit” now to let us know you’re interested. We can’t wait to meet you!
  • Click “Want to Visit” if you’re keen on exploring this opportunity. If we see synergy, we’ll reach out to chat!
  • Let’s meet! Click “Want to Visit” NOW to explore what it’s like working with us :)

Use Your Words (to Show Your Feelings)

Treat your job post like a letter to your future team member. Use our guidelines to push the creative boundaries for your job description and convey your company’s people and culture.

Happy Hiring!

If you have any questions, talk to us. Share your thoughts, questions, and comments with our Client Success team:

  • If you’re based in Singapore, contact: clients.sg@wantedly.com
  • If you’re based in Hong Kong, contact: support.hk@wantedly.com
International Wantedly Client Success Team's job postings