
What we do

Truegenics Pte Ltd is a personal care Vitamin, Mineral, and Supplement (VMS) company that specializes in Direct Response marketing. We sell our own brand of health supplements to a global audience and strive to add more life into their days. We believe that even the smallest action can define one’s destiny, and are committed to the creation of products that enhance the lives of our consumers.

Why we do

We like to think of ourselves as one big happy family. We infuse fun into everything we do, so it's never unusual to hear laughter from during any one of our daily meetings (which are endearingly coined as "huddles").

How we do

Our values define us. They shape our belief, our character, and our conduct as we go about fulfilling our true purpose. These are the values that we hold dear, the very values that keep us a close-knit family that works hard and play hard together. High Accountability Take ownership of producing the expected results When things don't work out don't blame anyone; Work on solutions instead of excuses Show up and get things done Expertise Apply the best expertise Constantly work to improve results Team Player Company before self Collaborate to make the company better Proactive Dive for the ball Volunteer to fix a problem instead of waiting for someone else to fix it Anticipate and plan in advance Openness Seek and consider all diverse inputs to make better decisions Don't be afraid to express your ideas Communicate anything in order to resolve a problem; No pink elephants Integrity Make decisions such that it is okay if everything becomes public Admit mistakes freely and openly Treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you